[Coverage] 6th Malaysian Golden Global Awards @ Zepp KL

 [Coverage] 6th Malaysian Golden Global Awards @ Zepp KL

The 6th Malaysia International Film Festival (MIFFest) came to a close with Sylvia Chang and Johnnie To's Witness to the Winners of the Malaysia Golden Global Awards (MGGA) 2023.

Kuala Lumpur, 2023 – The 6th Malaysia Golden Global Awards (MGGA) Ceremony was held on 29th July 2023 at Zepp KL and concluded flawlessly. This 7-day film festival (MIFFest) has drawn a large number of film lovers, filmmakers, and moviegoers. Many outstanding films, forums, and masterclasses were organised during the period, which helped many people with a strong interest in the film industry.

Since the film festival has concluded, spectators are eagerly awaiting the announcement of the Malaysia Golden Global Awards (MGGA) 2023 winners. Many local and worldwide superstars and artists, including Sylvia Chang, James Wen, Ye Ji Won, Stephanie Arianne, Jack Tan, and others, congregated here. Of course, this year's jury president, Hong Kong director Johnnie To, was also present.

First and foremost, congrats to this year's MIFFest grand prize winner, 'Autobiography'! Makbul Mubarak, an Indonesian director, directed the film. It won five prizes this year, including Best Film, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor, Best Cinematography, and Best Screenplay. AUTOBIOGRAPHY is a fantastic, innovative first feature that clearly depicts corruption and falsehoods in a strong way. Overall, the jury is quite impressed with this year's selection, and we look forward to seeing what these young brilliant filmmakers come up with in the future.

This time, director Johnnie To arrived to deliver the Best Film Award to the winning picture 'Autobiography,' saying, "I'm very happy to have this experience to collaborate with every jury member." We chose the winning film in the shortest amount of time. "I believe that a good film can reveal the truth and beauty of human nature."

In addition, the Best Actor Award awarded to Darío Grandinetti of Argentina. He played Carlos in 'Let the Dance Begin,' and the public responded well to his natural and skilled acting abilities. In the meantime, Chieko Baisho, a veteran Japanese actress, earned the Best Actress Award this year for her work in 'Plan 75,' directed by Chie Hayakawa.

For the Best Supporting Actor Award, Arswendy Bening Swara from Indonesia was nominated for his portrayal of Purna in 'Autobiography,' and the Best Supporting Actress Award was given to Stefanie Arianne by James Wen and Jack Tan for her performance as Maria, a Filipino labourer in the film 'Plan 75,' which she performed amazingly. The local film 'Adoiii Jiwaku' then received the Audience Choice Award. The actor Steve Yap directed this picture, which was his directorial debut. The elements between the three local races playfully highlighted the contradictions, tensions, and misunderstandings between races, and exemplified the spirit of One Malaysia. 

The New Hope Award is given to films that communicate positive and hopeful messages. 'Plan 75,' directed by Hayakawa, received the award. This film's message conveys to the audience the meaning of life and existence. The Lifetime Achievement Award, on the other hand, was given to globally acclaimed actress Sylvia Chang. Joanne Goh, the president of MIFFest, presented her. "I remember the first time I stepped into the film industry 52 years ago, and I knew I loved it," Sylvia stated. I'm extremely thankful to have a group of folks who are always there for me. So I constantly remind myself to remain humble. We must ensure that we give our all, whether we win or lose. Thank you very much."

The attendees at this event all expressed their excitement for MIFFest in the following year. They are hoping that the organiser would bring more outstanding films from throughout the world. Of course, the Open Air Cinema programme is extremely popular among locals. The audiences loved their refreshing experiences, as well as the knowledge-rich discussions and masterclasses that benefited cinema fans.

2023年度金环奖 (MGGA)


這次電影節迎來了盛大的閉幕典禮,當然少不了引人矚目的2023年度金環獎(MGGA)得主揭曉。現場聚集了許多本地和國際的巨星和藝人,如張艾嘉、溫昇豪、芮智媛、Stephanie Arianne、陳澤耀等,還有這次的評審團主席,香港導演杜琪峰。無數觀眾和電影人也前來見證這令人振奮的時刻。

首先,恭喜本屆大贏家影片《Autobiography》!這部電影由印尼導演Makbul Mubarak執導。它在本屆獲得了五項大獎,包括最佳影片最佳導演、最佳男配角、最佳攝影以及最佳劇本

這一次,由本屆金環獎評審主席杜琪峰導演親自到現場頒發本年度最佳影片獎。他表示:“我很開心能有這次的經驗和大家合作,我們用最短的時間選出得獎作品。我認為一部好的電影能展現出人性的真實與美。”Makbul Mubarak執導的《Autobiography》贏得了這個殊榮,而故事屬於犯罪懸疑劇情類型,背景發生在印尼的小鎮一間民宅,緊湊的劇情讓觀眾全情投入。他豐富的藝術性呈現風格和手法深受觀眾和評審喜愛,實至名歸地贏得這些獎項。

此外,今次的最佳男主角是來自阿根廷的Dario Grandinetti。他在《Let The Dance Begin》中飾演Carlos一角,自然純熟的演技獲得了大眾的共鳴,深受大家的認可。而倍賞千惠子是來自日本的資深女演員,相信有許多觀眾都是看著她長大的。她在由早川千繪執導的《Plan 75》中憑借她出色的表現,獲得本屆的最佳女主角。

至於這一次獲得最佳男配角的男演員是來自印尼的Arswendy Bening Swara,在《Autobiography》中的他非常敬業地飾演Purna一角;而最佳女配角則是由溫昇豪與陳澤耀頒發給飾演《Plan 75》的Stefanie Arianne,她在戲中飾演菲律賓勞工Maria,表現十分驚艷。

再來,值得關注的觀眾票選獎則是由本地的《Adoiii Jiwaku》所獲得。這部電影是由第一次擔任導演的葉良財演員所執導,其內容融入了本地三大民族之間的元素,幽默地呈現種族之間的矛盾與衝突、誤會與不理解,體現出種族之間應該不分你我,一個馬來西亞的精神。

而人道主義獎意指傳遞正向與希望意義的影片的獎項,由早川導演執導的《Plan 75》所獲得,這部電影帶出的信息給予觀眾對於人生和生存希望與意義,實至名歸地獲得此獎。




The list of the 6th MGGA Winners 第6届马来西亚金环奖 (MGGA) 得奖名单: 

Best Film Award 最佳影片:: 'Autobiography' 

Best Director Award 最佳导演: Makbul Mubarak (Autobiography)

Best Actor Award 最佳男主角: Darío Grandinetti (Let the Dance Begin)

Best Actress Award 最佳女主角: Chieko Baisho (Plan 75)

Best Supporting Actor Award 最佳男配角: Arswendy Bening Swara  (Autobiography)

Best Supporting Actress Award 最佳女配角: Stefanie Arianne (Plan 75)

Best Cinematography Award 最佳摄影: Wojciech Staroń (Autobiography)

Best Screenplay Award 最佳剧本: Makbul Mubarak (Autobiography)

Audience Choice Award 观众票选奖: 'Adoiii Jiwaku' 

New Hope Award 人道主义奖: 'Plan 75' 

Lifetime Achievement Award 终身成就奖: Sylvia Chang 张艾嘉

Performance Artistes 表演嘉宾: Bella Astillah, Daniel Cheah 车智立, Layla Sania

Keywords: #电影节 #马来西亚国际电影节 #金环奖 #MIFFest #MGGA #MalaysianGoldenGlobalAward

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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