Kuala Lumpur, 2023 –A journey spanning 40 years in the entertainment industry is by no means a short one, especially when it began with a child singer (1983) and progressed to becoming a distinguished male solo artist. Anuar Zain's name has secured a special and firm place among his fans and music enthusiasts. 

Over four decades, Anuar Zain has built a legacy in the local music industry. His melodious vocals, sweet smile, strong aura and charisma, along with his popular songs that have garnered various accolades throughout his career, have solidified his position as a revered artist in his own league. 

He has become a respected entertainer, gracing various occasions, including corporate events, high-profile functions, and exclusive gatherings, where he sometimes delivers performances of his songs. Thus, when the organizers at JioBuddy announced the "Anuar Zain 40th Anniversary Concert" it was joyously received by his music enthusiasts not just in Malaysia, but also from neighboring countries like Indonesia, Singapore, and Brunei. 

For the organizers, this concert marks another milestone in Anuar Zain's artistic journey, celebrating the immense support he has received throughout his long career. This concert also symbolizes the maturity of Anuar Zain's journey in his artistic career. 

"We at JioBuddy are happy to organize the Anuar Zain 40th Anniversary Concert, as it is not just an ordinary concert but a biography celebrating his lengthy artistic journey with all his fans and music enthusiasts." "

“This concert is also significant for the organizers, as it supports the local music industry and delivers the best to the audience based on our expertise," said Sean Ng from JioBuddy. 

As for Anuar Zain himself, he hopes that those who were with him during the Anuar Zain 3 Decades Concert in 2013 and even those who haven't yet had the chance to attend, will come together for the "Anuar Zain 40th Anniversary Concert." 

"I dream that this AZ40 concert will become a cherished memory for all of us on that special night. It will also be a sweet memory for all the staff and production team who have contributed greatly to the success of AZ40 concert," stated Anuar Zain. 

Jennifer Thompson is the director of the concert, while Sze Wan is responsible for the musical direction of the Anuar Zain 40th Anniversary Concert, accompanied by around 25 talented local musicians. 

Undoubtedly, over the span of 40 years, Anuar Zain has accumulated a diverse collection of hit songs. Songs like "Lelaki Ini," "Perpisahan," "Bila Resah," "Sedekah Lebih," and "Keabadian Cinta" will undoubtedly be a treat to the ears, performed live by this exceptional singer. 

Tickets is already on sale since July 12, 2023, 10 AM, at www.jiotix.asia or by calling the ticket hotline at +6011 510 03 111. Ticket prices are RM1188 (VIP 1), RM888 (VIP 2), RM488 (Diamond), RM388 (Platinum), and RM188 (Gold). 

For ticket buyers on the first day of sale (July 12, 2023), there will be a chance to win a FreeYond mobile phone. VIP 1 & 2 ticket buyers will also receive a special AZ40 Premium Gig Box sponsored by Arombay, as a gesture for this concert. 

Celebrate your encounter with Anuar Zain on October 28, 2023, at 8:30 PM during the Anuar Zain 40th Anniversary Concert at the Malawati Indoor Stadium, Shah Alam.


Event: Anuar Zain 40th Anniversary Concert 

Date: 28th October 2023

Location: Malawati Indoor Stadium, Shah Alam 

Time: 8:30 PM 

Organizer: JioBuddy 

Collaboration Partner: Altus Prohouse 

Artiste Management: Anuar Zain Network 

Ticket Prices: 

VIP 1 RM1188 

VIP 2 RM888 

Diamond RM488 

Platinum RM388 

Gold RM188 

Ticket Website: www.jiotix.asia 

Ticketing Hotline: 011 51003111 

Official Radio Partner: Sinar FM

Supported By: ERA FM 

Official Digital Partner: Astro Gempak


Perjalanan selama 40 tahun melalui dunia seni bukanlah perjalanan yang pendek, terutamanya bermula sebagai seorang penyanyi kanak-kanak pada tahun 1983, hingga menjadi penyanyi solo lelaki yang terkenal. Anuar Zain telah mewujudkan kedudukan yang istimewa dan khusus dalam hati para peminat dan pencinta muziknya.

Selama empat dekad, Anuar Zain telah mencipta legasi dalam industri muzik tempatan. Suara merdu, senyuman manis, aura yang kuat, dan daya tarikan yang unik, berserta dengan siri lagu-lagu popularnya yang telah mendapat banyak pengiktirafan sepanjang kerjayanya, menjadikannya salah seorang penyanyi yang dikagumi hingga kini, dan dia mempunyai tempatnya sendiri dalam industri ini.

Beliau adalah penghibur yang dihormati, kerana di mana sahaja beliau muncul, sama ada dalam majlis korporat, majlis eksklusif, atau acara terbuka, beliau sentiasa dinantikan untuk memberikan persembahan memukau beberapa lagu.

Oleh itu, apabila penganjur JioBuddy mengumumkan konsert "Anuar Zain 40th Anniversary Concert", berita tersebut telah disambut gembira oleh peminat-peminat muziknya bukan sahaja di Malaysia tetapi juga dari negara jiran seperti Indonesia, Singapura, dan Brunei.

Bagi pihak penganjur, konsert ini adalah satu lagi capaian bersejarah yang akan dikenang oleh penyanyi Lelaki Ini dalam perjalanan seninya, dan juga merupakan penghargaan terhadap sokongan positif dari semua pihak.

"Kami di JioBuddy dengan bangga menganjurkan Anuar Zain 40th Anniversary Concert, kerana ini adalah lebih daripada sekadar konsert biasa. Ia merupakan sebuah biografi untuk meraikan perjalanan seninya yang panjang bersama-sama peminat dan pencinta muziknya.”

“Konsert ini juga penting bagi kami sebagai penganjur untuk menyokong industri muzik tempatan dan memberikan yang terbaik kepada penonton," kata Sean Ng dari JioBuddy.

Sementara itu, Anuar Zain berharap agar mereka yang telah menyertai Konsert Anuar Zain 3 Dekad pada tahun 2013 serta mereka yang belum berkesempatan, akan turut hadir dalam "Anuar Zain 40th Anniversary Concert".

“Saya mengimpikan agar konsert AZ40 ini akan menjadi kenangan yang terindah di antara kita semua pada malam itu nan@. Juga menjadi kenangan manis buat semua tenaga kerja dan team produksi yang besar didalam menjayakan konsert AZ40 ini.," kata Anuar Zain.

Jennifer Thompson adalah pengarah konsert ini, manakala Sze Wan bertanggungjawab sebagai pengarah muzik untuk Anuar Zain 40th Anniversary Concert, bersama dengan kira-kira 25 pemuzik tempatan yang terampil.

Tentu saja, dalam tempoh 40 tahun, Anuar Zain telah menghasilkan pelbagai lagu hits. Lagu seperti Lelaki Ini, Perpisahan, Bila Resah, Sedekah Lebih, dan Keabadian Cinta pasti akan dinikmati secara langsung dengan vokal merdu penyanyi hebat ini.

Tiket telah dijual sejak 12 Julai 2023 , jam 10 pagi di www.jiotix.asia atau hubungi talian hotline tiket di +6011 510 03 111. Tiket-tiket berharga RM1188 (VIP 1), RM888 (VIP 2), RM488 (Diamond) RM388 (Platinum) dan RM 188 (Gold). 

Untuk pembeli tiket pada hari pertama jualan (12 Julai 2023), anda akan berpeluang untuk memenangi telefon bimbit jenama FreeYond. Bagi pembeli tiket VIP 1 & 2 pula, mereka bakal mendapat cenderahati berupa AZ40 Premium Gig Box yang ditaja oleh Arombay, istimewa sempena konsert ini. 

Raikan temujanji anda bersama Anuar Zain pada 28 Oktober 2023 jam 8.30 malam sempena Anuar Zain 40th Anniversary Concert di Malawati Indoor Stadium, Shah Alam. 


Acara: Anuar Zain 40th Anniversary Concert Tarikh: 28 Oktober 2023
Lokasi: Malawa@ Indoor Stadium, Shah Alam Masa l: 8.30 malam 

Penganjur: JioBuddy
Rakan Kolaborasi: Altus Prohouse 

Pengurusan Artis : Anuar Zain Network 

Harga Tiket:
VIP 1 RM1188 

VIP 2 RM888 

Diamond RM488 

Platinum rm388 

Gold RM188 

Ticket website: www.jiotix.asia  

Ticketing hotline: 011 51003111 

Rakan Radio Rasmi: Sinar FM 

Disokong Oleh : ERA FM
Rakan Digital Rasmi: Astro Gempak 

Keywords: #AZ40AnniversaryConcert #AnuarZain40

#MusicLegacy #AZ40LivePerformance #AnuarZainCelebration #Anuarzain

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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