[Coverage] “Gemencheh Boys” Press Conference

[Coverage] “Gemencheh Boys” Press Conference


An Inspiring Film Based On The True Story of Gemencheh's '6 Rascals'

Kuala Lumpur, 2023 - 'Gemencheh Boys' is an adaptation of true events revolving around a group of FELDA boys who managed to make a name for themselves in local sporting history, following their journey from FELDA Bukit Rokan Utara, Negeri Sembilan to world-class cricket pitches.

This film is told from the perspective of national cricketer Shafiq Sharif, who represented Malaysia in the 2019 Cricket World Cup and won a gold medal at the 2017 SEA Games.  

Gemencheh Boys, with the tagline "no retreat, no surrender," tells the inspiring story of a group of kampung boys known as "Enam Jahanam" (The Six Rascals). When a teacher introduces them to cricket, the boys, who were previously mischievous, begin to change their ways. As a result, their journey to the national sporting stage begins.  

This film, directed by Jason Chong and Eric Ong, winners of Best Original Story at the 2017 Malaysian Film Festival, and produced by leading film studio Astro Shaw with GV Corporate Advisory and SOL Pictures, will be released in theatres nationwide on 26th October 2023

The cast includes Pekin Ibrahim and six of the boys who were chosen through auditions: Aqil Yaya, Syed Ahmad, Ayiet Harith, Kimi Norais, Izzue Deen, and Amir Kuziq. This will be the boys' feature film debut. Dato' Ahmad Tamimi Serigar, Zaidi Omar, Farah Ahmad, Azman Hassan, Kamal, Rezuan, Ieda Moin, Arumugam Vedan, and others star in this film.

"We are aware that cricket is not as popular among Malaysians as football or badminton," said Raja Jastina Raja Arshad, Executive Producer of Gemencheh Boys and Vice President and Head of Astro Shaw and Malay Nusantara business. The storyline depicted in Gemencheh Boys, on the other hand, has the potential to inspire audiences. More than just a cricket film, the film tells the extraordinary story of six FELDA rascals who have demonstrated that anyone can be extraordinary. Despite all odds, the boys brought honour to the country by winning a gold medal at the international level. "We hope that Gemencheh Boys will leave a lasting impression on multiracial Malaysian audiences."

Meanwhile, Jason Chong, the film's director, scriptwriter, and original creator, stated, "Aside from being entertaining, I believe Gemencheh Boys will be able to leave a deep impression on the audience, just like Adiwiraku, another film that we created." We hope Gemencheh Boys, which follows the same inspirational theme, will connect with the audience. "I'm very proud to be a part of this film."

The Malaysian Cricket Association and the Ministry of Youth and Sports helped to establish Gemencheh Boys. This includes a partnership during the International Cricket Council's ICC Men's Cricket World Cup Trophy Tour, which was held in Malaysia for the first time this year.  

In addition, the Gemencheh Boys roadshow, which will involve various schools across the country, will begin in October. The Malaysian Cricket Association will conduct cricket workshops during the roadshow to instill a love of the game in students. Meanwhile, on 16th September 2023, a collaborative event with social and culture community group Locco called 'Keretapi Sarong' will take place around Klang Valley. 

The theme song for the film 'Siapa Kami' is performed by W.A.R.I.S, a Negeri Sembilan rap group, along with David Koon, Andrew Lui, and Ronald Mok.  

Follow Astro Shaw on TikTok, Instagram, X, Facebook, and Astro Gempak to stay up to date on the latest Gemencheh Boys news and videos.

Don't miss Gemencheh Boys, an adaptation based on a true Malaysian story about six FELDA boys who made a name for themselves in the world of sport.  It will be released in theatres nationwide on 26th October 2023.

Sidang Media “Gemencheh Boys”

Kuala Lumpur, 2023 – Dari FELDA Bukit Rokan Utara, Negeri Sembilan ke arena kriket dunia. Sebuah adaptasi berdasarkan kisah sebenar, Gemencheh Boys menceritakan kisah inspirasi sekelompok anak kampung yang berhasil mencatat sejarah dalam arena olahraga internasional.

Film ini diceritakan melalui sudut pandang Shafiq Sharif, seorang atlet kriket nasional yang mewakili Malaysia dalam Piala Dunia Kriket 2019 dan meraih medali emas dalam Sukan SEA 2017.

'Gemencheh Boys' dengan moto 'no retreat, no surrender’ mengisahkan cerita anak-anak desa yang awalnya terkenal dengan tingkah laku nakal, namun berubah saat seorang guru memperkenalkan mereka pada olahraga kriket. Film ini menampilkan tema persahabatan, pengorbanan, dan harapan, serta perjalanan mereka bersama guru mereka menuju gelanggang dunia dengan penuh emosi.

"Gemencheh Boys" akan tayang di pagawam seluruh negara mulai tanggal 26 Oktober 2023 dan diarahkan oleh Jason Chong, pemenang kategori Cerita Asli Terbaik di Festival Film Malaysia 2017, bersama Eric Ong dari Astro Shaw dengan kerjasama GV Corporate Advisory dan SOL Pictures.

Film ini menampilkan Pekin Ibrahim serta enam aktor cilik yang dipilih melalui proses audisi, yaitu Aqil Yaya, Syed Ahmad, Ayiet Harith, Kimi Norais, Izzue Deen, dan Amir Kuziq sebagai tunggak utama. Selain itu, film ini juga melibatkan Dato’ Ahmad Tamimi Siregar, Zaidi Omar, Farah Ahmad, Azman Hassan, Kamal, Rezuan, Ieda Moin, Arumugam A/L Vedan, dan banyak lainnya.

Menurut Raja Jastina Raja Arshad, Penerbit Eksekutif Gemencheh Boys, yang juga merangkap sebagai Naib Presiden, Ketua Astro Shaw & Perniagaan Melayu Nusantara, "Gemencheh Boys adalah sebuah cerita Malaysia yang harus dipersembahkan. Kami menyedari bahawa sukan kriket tidak begitu popular dalam kalangan masyarakat Malaysia seperti mana sukan bola sepak atau badminton. Walau bagaimanapun, jalan cerita yang dipertaruhkan menerusi Gemencheh Boys mampu memberi inspirasi kepada semua penonton. Ia bukan sebuah kisah biasa dan bukan mengenai kriket semata-mata, tetapi tentang enam budak FELDA yang digelar 'enam jahanam', membuktikan orang biasa boleh menjadi luar biasa. Mereka juga telah mengharumkan nama negara dengan meraih pingat emas di peringkat antarabangsa. Kami mengharapkan Gemencheh Boys mampu meninggalkan impak tersendiri dan mendapat perhatian penonton berbilang bangsa."

Sementara itu, Pengarah, Penulis Skrip, dan Cerita Asal Gemencheh Boys, Jason Chong, berkata, "Selain memberikan hiburan, saya yakin Gemencheh Boys mampu meninggalkan kesan mendalam pada penonton seperti film sebelumnya yang kami produksi, yaitu Adiwiraku. Dengan tema inspirasi yang sama, kami berharap Gemencheh Boys akan tetap relevan bagi penonton Malaysia, dan saya merasa sangat bangga bisa menjadi bagian dari film ini."

Gemencheh Boys mendapatkan sokongan dari Malaysia Cricket Association dan Kementerian Belia Dan Sukan. Mereka juga akan mengadakan serangkaian kegiatan promosi, termasuk acara kolaborasi pertama kali di Malaysia, , Internasional Cricket Counsil  - ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup Trophy Tour. 


Siri penjelajahan Gemencheh Boys akan dimulai pada bulan Oktober dengan mengunjungi sekolah-sekolah di seluruh Malaysia yang diselenggarakan oleh Malaysian Cricket Association dengan mengadakan workshop kriket untuk meningkatkan minat terhadap olahraga kriket di kalangan pelajar. Selain itu, mereka juga bekerjasama dengan kelompok komunitas sosial dan budaya, Locco, melalui acara Kereta Api Sarong yang akan diadakan pada 16 September 2023 di sekitar Lembah Klang.

Lagu tema rasmi film ini adalah 'Siapa Kami,' yang dinyanyikan oleh penyanyi rap terkenal dari Negeri Sembilan, W.A.R.I.S bersama David Koon, Andrew Lui, dan Ronald Mok.

Gunakan hashtag #Gemenchehboys untuk berkongsi pendapat dan kegembiraan anda tentang film ini. Ikuti perkembangan terbaru dan klip menarik Gemencheh Boys di platform TikTok, Instagram, X, Facebook Astro Shaw, dan Astro Gempak.

Nantikan film Gemencheh Boys, sebuah cerita Malaysia berdasarkan kisah sebenar tentang enam remaja FELDA yang dikenali sebagai 'enam jahanam' yang berjaya mencatat sejarah dalam arena olahraga internasional, mulai tayang di pawagam seluruh negara pada 26 Oktober 2023 ini.

Keywords: #GemenchehBoys #Cricket #InspiringFilm #MalaysiaSports #TrueStory

#Kriket #BudakDesa #KisahSebenar #WLJack #WLJackcom #Pressconference #Coverage

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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