[Local Entertainment] 3rd Malaysia International Durian & Cultural Fest 2023 with Aaron Aziz, Amber Chia, and Chan Fong, Minister of Tourism, Arts & Culture, Tourism Malaysia

[Local Entertainment] 3rd Malaysia International Durian & Cultural Fest 2023 with Aaron Aziz, Amber Chia, and Chan Fong, Minister of Tourism, Arts & Culture, Tourism Malaysia 

Kuala Lumpur, 2023 – The 3rd Malaysia International Durian & Cultural Fest 2023 at Pavilion Bukit Jalil (Piazza Pavilion outdoor) was officiated by Dato Dr Ammar abd Ghapar- Director General of Tourism Malaysia, together with Brand Event Ambassador Dato Aaron Aziz, Amber Chia & Chan Fong, and jointly organised by both Malaysia companies DKing and LKE Musang Queen in the hope of making it a yearly event known as Durian Day or DurianFest to  be the attraction for both locals and international tourists in line to promote Malaysia Durian and Culture to the world.

Mr Leron Yee, Founder of DKing & Founder & Organiser of Malaysia International Durian & Cultural Fest 2023, began his speech by thanking the Guest of Honour and all collaboration partners for helping to make this event a success despite the hiccup of the postponement due to the unforeseen black spot illness affecting the durian this June 2023. Today, it shows the number of sponsors and partners making the worth of goodies bag ranging from RM250 to RM600 for every person who purchases RM68 entrance fee for all you can eat quality durian (no kampung durian) offering D101, D24, Red Prawn, Butter King, and high quality Musang King is sold individually pack of 300gram for RM45 during this event. Not missing every slot of durian buffet, there will be lucky draws giving away to customers. Customers can sing to win Musang King every hour while they enjoy the durian buffet and local artiste performance. So customers can really enjoy the quality of durian and amazing performance and will be served by Brand Event Ambassador Dato Aaron Aziz, Amber Chia & Chan Fong.

Mr Jeremy Chin, Co-founder of LKE Musang Queen & Joint Organiser of Malaysia International Durian & Cultural Fest 2023, then shared how the partnership of the King and Queen exemplifies an outstanding partnership that will continue into the future, rekindling the vision of Hari Durian or Durian Fest, which originated in Malaysia and has gained worldwide recognition. A special thanks to our durian-loving customers! 

The Guest of Honour, Dato Dr Ammar abd Ghapar, Director General of Tourism Malaysia, expressed his hope that this type of positive event and activities will continue year after year. This year, Malaysia is aiming for 16.1 million international tourist arrivals, which will generate RM49.2 billion in revenue. It is hoped that this event will benefit the Malaysian economy, not just the durian industry, but also F&B, hotels, and shopping.

This year's event was a success, with over 3,000 local and 600 international durian lovers attending the durian buffet and 1,200 taking part in the durian fun run. This event is more than just eating durian; it also includes healthy activities such as the Durian Fun Run on Sunday, as well as family activities such as kid talents and catwalks organised by MoveKids and a few academy in order to promote family bonding and future Malaysian talents. Not only that, but strategic partner Melife, led by Datin Seri Jekkie Chin, is breaking new Malaysia Book of Records as well as raising funds for charity, which is a fun activity to do in addition to eating durian. Tourism Malaysia hopes that this type of positive event and activities will continue year after year.  

During the media interview, Dato Aaron Aziz and Amber Chia revealed that they were chosen as Event Brand Ambassadors because they do not eat durian but have become durian lovers, with the quality of the durian playing an important role. 

Dato Dr Ammar abd Ghapar has added durian cake, ice cream, chocolate, and many other Malaysia-inspired products. Durian can be a small step for overseas tourists to take, and you may end up becoming a durian lover.

This event will conclude on 10th September 2023, at 8 p.m., with a closing ceremony officiated by Guest of Honour, Y.M Tengku Dato Dr Hishammuddin Zaizi bin Y.A.M. Tengku Bendahara Azman Shah Alhaj, Royal Selangor Family, to witness the breaking of TWO Malaysia Book of Records this Sunday.

「2023 年第三届马来西亚国际榴槤与文化节」


Amber Chia 和拿督 Aaron Aziz 分享爱上榴槤原因

2023年的第三届马来西亚国际榴槤与文化节在武吉加里尔盛大开幕。Dato' Dr. Ammar Abd. Ghapar)、宣传大使名 DJ 陈峰、国际名模 Amber Chia 谢丽萍和马来艺人拿督 Aaron Aziz等名人齐聚Pavilion Bukit Jalil,为这个全马最大型的榴槤自助餐盛会举行了开幕典礼。

这个由DKING帝一榴和LKE集团联合举办的榴槤自助餐将持续三天,从今天开始一直到9月10日,地点在Pavilion Bukit Jalil的露天广场。这个盛会的目标是向本地居民和游客推广马来西亚的榴槤,同时希望未来能成为一年一度的榴槤日或榴槤盛会。

在开幕典礼后,宣传大使Amber Chia和马来艺人拿督Aaron Aziz接受了媒体的采访,他们都表示以前不敢尝试榴槤。

Amber Chia说,"在我认识了DKING帝一榴的老板茹保顺之后,我才明白以前我没有品尝过高品质的榴槤,所以我不喜欢榴槤。" 原来,在茹保顺的不断劝说下,她尝试了DKING的榴槤后,才领悟到榴槤原来有如此深层的风味。

拿督Aaron Aziz也表示,虽然他不排斥榴槤的味道,但以前并不喜欢吃榴槤。但在品尝了DKING的其他榴槤产品,如煎蕊、雪糕和饼干后,他才开始发现榴槤原来是如此美味的水果。


DKING帝一榴的老板茹保顺也在现场呼吁榴槤爱好者尽快购买门票,这次的榴槤自助餐每人只需68令吉,就可以品尝到四种优质的榴槤品种,包括D24、D101、红虾和Butter King牛油皇。此外,猫山王也以特价45令吉(约300克)一盒单独出售。



策略伙伴Melife还将在周日举行慈善筹款活动,以打破马来西亚的纪录。大会也欢迎所有媒体参加晚上7点的榴槤自助餐,同时在晚上8点的闭幕典礼上与尊贵的皇室成员拿督东姑希山慕丁再芝阁下 (Y.M Tengku Dato Dr Hishammuddin Zaizi bin Y.A.M. Tengku Bendahara Azman Shah Alhaj)一起见证马来西亚纪录大全颁奖典礼。

Keywords: #DurianFest2023 #MalaysianCulture #DurianLovers #TourismMalaysia #EntertainmentNews #马来西亚榴槤文化 #旅游马来西亚 #娱乐新闻 #榴槤爱好者 #马来西亚文化 #WLJack #WLJackcom

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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