[Entertainment] Yumi Wong Meet and Greet at GINTELL Health & Fun Carnival

[Entertainment] Yumi Wong Meet and Greet at GINTELL Health & Fun Carnival

Kuala Lumpur, 2023 – Yumi Wong, a famous model/actress, was invited for a meet and greet session and to share her personal experience with the GINTELL S6 Plus 8 Hands Wellness Chair by GINTELL, the largest healthcare retail chain in Southeast Asia and Malaysia. The first massage chair with 8D-Twin Rollers, which simulates four masseuses massaging your upper and lower back at the same time, providing instant relief from body aches and pains.

The event began with a K-POP Dance performance at One Utama Shopping Centre's LG Oval. It was then followed by the ambassador endorsement signing ceremony between Yumi Wong and GINTELL management, as well as the sharing of product testimonials. Yumi fans and guests in attendance were excited for the meet and greet and mini games session. Fans who are chosen for the mini games will be able to team up with Yumi Wong, adding to the excitement. As the event came to a close, one lucky participant won the GINTELL S6 Wellness SuperChAiR as the grand prize of the GINTELL Parents Day Lucky Draw Contest. The event was successfully concluded, and the media and guests were led to the refreshment area.

Among the guests on the day were GINTELL management, GINTELL product ambassador Yumi Wong, One Utama management, and members of the media.

Furthermore, GINTELL's roadshow ran from September 19th to October 1st, 2023, from 10am to 10pm, showcasing products such as massage chairs, treadmills, and others. The incredible offer of prices as low as RM99, accompanied by exquisite gifts, delighted shoppers. On the 23rd and 24th of September 2023, you'll be able to enjoy the Health & Fun Carnivals, which will feature spectacular fun activities and freebies for both kids and adults.


Established since 1996, GINTELL has steadily expanded through the years and aspire to become the leading provider healthcare industry as it’s fast-growing. With over 130 retail outlets across Southeast Asia, GINTELL is certified by Malaysia Book of Records as the Largest Healthcare Product Chain in Malaysia since 2015. In 2021, GINTELL is also certified twice by Malaysia Book of Records as the most number of massage chair & treadmill sold in Malaysia. Keeping up with its brand’s core value, Health, Love, Life, GINTELL ensures the best possible outcome is given to all customers towards a better and healthier lifestyle through their healthcare products and to achieve their mission of “1 HOME, 1 GINTELL”. 

GINTELL S6 Plus 8-Hands Wellness Chair 

The GINTEL S6 Plus is the first massage chair in Malaysia equipped with 8-D Twin Rollers. This innovative feature provides the sensation of having four expert masseuses simultaneously working on your upper and lower back, providing complete relief from pain and stress on the body. 

The 230° Thai Stretch is a full-body stretching programme that is incorporated in GINTELL S6 Plus and is fully endorsed, and consulted by Dato’ Seri Master Chris Leong, a renowned Tit- Tar Master (bone setting specialist). This program is highly recommended as it improves joint flexibility and mobility. 

In addition to that, 360° Heat Spa Therapy is a unique feature that utilizes hot compression from airbags that are strategically placed against the back, waist, calves, and abdomen. It also enhances heat absorption for a more effective therapy session. Whether you’re looking to relief muscle spasms, ease menstrual cramps, or simply de-stress after a long day, the heat spa therapy provides targeted and soothing relief. 

The Brain Relief Therapy programme in the GINTELL S6 Plus is a unique feature designed to enhance sleep quality and alleviate mental stress. This specialized programme effortlessly creates a calming ambiance by playing gentle and soothing background music throughout the massage, effectively soothing and relaxing the nerves. 

The GINTELL S6 Plus, 8-Hands Wellness Chair offers Bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to seamlessly connect and control the massage chair via their smartphones via the GINTELL Super App OS application which can be downloaded from Google PlayStore and AppStore. 

GINTELL is currently offering a special grand promotion for a limited time at RM14,988 only. Generally, its retail selling price will be RM29,988 with free gift worth up to RM8,988. There are also discounts up to 55% for selected products. Upon purchasing the GINTELL S6 Plus, you will also receive a complimentary 8-Days Health Program to help you kickstart your wellness journey. For further enquiry or pre-order, contact +60124046033 or browse www.gintell.com or visit your nearest GINTELL showroom

Yumi Wong 粉丝见面会于 GINTELL 健康乐趣嘉年华

GINTELL,马来西亚和东南亚最大的保健器材连锁店,非常荣幸邀请了著名模特/女演员黄诗棋 Yumi Wong 参加一次见面会,她在活动中分享了她个人体验 GINTELL S6 Plus 8 手养身椅的经历。这款按摩椅是第一款配备 8D 双滚轮的,同时提供 4 名按摩师为您的上背部和下背部提供按摩,立即缓解身体疼痛。

该活动在雪州万达广场(One Utama Shopping Centre)的 LG Oval 举行,受邀嘉宾包括 GINTELL 的管理层、GINTELL 产品大使 Yumi Wong、万达广场的管理层以及媒体代表。活动以一场 K-POP 舞蹈表演拉开帷幕。随后,Yumi Wong 与 GINTELL 集团董事拿督吴正益也在现场签署了产品大使合同,并分享了对 S6 Plus 八手养身椅的推荐。活动还穿插了游戏互动环节,幸运的粉丝被选中参加小游戏,与 Yumi Wong 组队,使活动更加精彩。活动接近尾声时,GINTELL 集团董事拿督吴正益、星洲集团董事与 GINTELL 产品代言人黄诗琪也通过幸运抽奖的方式,揭晓了由 GINTELL 联合四报一同主办的“亲情竞赛,温情献”的最终大奖(S6 GINTELL S6 Wellness SuperChAiR)的幸运得奖者,并在现场进行了颁奖仪式。活动圆满成功,媒体和来宾被招待至休息区。

此外,GINTELL2023 年 9 月 19 日至 2023 年 10 月 1 日,上午 10 点至晚上 10 点,展示的产品包括按摩椅、跑步机等等。此外, GINTELL 也于 2023 年 9 月 23 日和 24 日,在展销会现场主办了健康欢乐嘉年华(Health & Fun Carnival),届时将有精彩的娱乐活动和赠品,适合儿童和成年人参与。

GINTELL 公司背景介绍 

GINTELL 成立与 1996 年,是马来西亚和东南亚最大的保健按摩椅以及健身器材市场领导 者,GINTELL 在全国以及东南亚拥有超过 117 多家连锁店,并已获得 ISO9001:2015 认 证,并在多年间获得了许多国际以及马来西亚的各地企业杰出奖项,同时也连续多年荣获 马来西亚纪录大全,成为马来西亚最大型健康按摩椅及健身器材连锁店。也在 2021 年荣 获最多按摩椅和跑步机销量品牌的马来西亚纪录大全。GINTELL 致力于提升顾客的日常 生活品质,推广保健与健康生活。遵循其品牌的核心价值观 “健康,爱,生活”,所有 的产品皆专注于照顾顾客以及他们家人的健康,并致力于通过其产品为每个人提供更好、 更健康的生活方式,实现他们的使命:“1 HOME 1 GINTELL”。 

GINTELL S6 Plus 八手养身椅 

GINTELL S6 Plus 八手养身椅是 GINTELL S6 超能养身椅的全新升级版, 也是首个拥有 最新 AI 智能科技的按摩椅。 这款按摩椅拥有 8D 双机芯按摩功能 (神奇 8 手按摩),它的 AI 智能科技最特别之处就是可以让您感觉到同时有 4 个按摩师傅,8 个按摩手在替您按摩 您的全身,手、肩、背和臂部,意味着您可以享受到全面和彻底的按摩。 

此外,GINTELL S6 Plus 八手养身椅拥有独家 AI 生物疲劳扫描技术。它的生物扫描(Bio- Senses) 系统可以扫描和测量您的心率,血氧和疲劳指数,只需在“ 拇指面板“上触摸 30 秒,即可依据您的当前指数进而定制适合您的按摩程序。 

GINTELL S6 Plus 八手养身椅也具备了首创的 360°热疗疗法功能,气囊可加热背部,腰 部和小腿等身体部位。360°热疗功能可以促进血液循环和新陈代谢,能增加功效,更是 全马首创。它还有一个交叉的斗篷状带子,可以盖在腹部上并进行加热,有助于缓解整体 肌肉紧张与放松腹部肌肉,并缓解肌肉痉挛或月经来潮引起的疼痛等等。 

GINTELL S6 Plus 八手养身椅还具备了 GINTELL 引以为傲的著名 230° 泰式伸展功能,这 项功能是由大马著名的铁打师傅拿督斯里梁润江所研发打造。不仅可以帮助使用者进行轻 微的伸展运动,还可以达到放松关节、改善身体协调性与灵动性的作用!
此外, GINTELL S6 Plus 的脑部舒缓疗法能够提高睡眠质量和缓解心理压力。该疗法会 在按摩过程中播放轻柔舒缓的背景音乐,轻松地营造出一种宁静的氛围,有效舒缓和放松 神经。 

GINTELL S6 Plus 八手养身椅内置蓝牙连接功能,能够为用户提供了与智能手机的无缝连 接,通过 GINTELL Super App OS 应用程序轻松控制按摩椅的便利。该应用程序可从 Google PlayStore 和 AppStore 轻松下载,让用户体验到前所未有的便捷与智能。 

27 周年庆优惠 

趁着 GINTELL S6 Plus 八手养身椅的新品发布,GINTELL 推出了高达 55%的 27 周年庆 折扣的特别的促销活动。这个优惠只限于 1 Utama Shopping Centre 展销会,原价为 29,988 令吉的按摩椅,现在只需 14,988 马来西亚令吉, 还有价值高达 8,988 令吉的礼 品赠送。现场按摩椅价格低至每月 RM99 的不可思议优惠,随购买还附赠精美礼品。如需进一 步咨询,请致电+6012-404 6033,亲临您附近的 GINTELL 展厅或浏览 www.gintell.com 网站以了解更多详情。 

Keywords: #YumiWong #GINTELL #黄诗棋 

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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