[Concert Coverage] Sacra Music Fes. 2024 @ Zepp, Kuala Lumpur

[Concert Coverage] Sacra Music Fes. 2024 @ Zepp, Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur, 2024 - On a balmy evening on 3rd February 2024, Zepp Kuala Lumpur became the mecca for anime music lovers, hosting the much-anticipated Sacra Music Fes. 2024. Fans from across the region congregated to celebrate a lineup that promised to deliver the quintessence of anime music performed by a stellar ensemble of artists.

The Sacra Music Fes 2024, orchestrated by Sacra Music of Sony Music Entertainment Japan, brought to us by Zepp Kuala Lumpur and iMe Malaysia was a gathering that promised an anime melody odyssey and delivered a spectacular symphony that reverberated through the hearts of anime aficionados.

Akase Akari: A Dazzling Debut

The festival commenced with the multi-talented Akase Akari, marking her first international live performance. Her cosplay as Kitagawa Marin was not merely a visual treat but a symbol of the intertwining realms of anime and music. With her debut song “Koi no Yukue,” Akari captured the hearts of the audience, her voice a perfect blend of innocence and fervor. Her cover renditions of ClariS’s “Connect” and YOASOBI’s “Idol” exhibited a charisma that extended beyond the stage, setting a high bar for the acts to follow.

Spira Spica: Harmonic Convergence

As spira spica took the stage, enchanting the crowd with their impeccable harmonies, their performance of “Sorairo Days" summoned a sense of nostalgia while original pieces like “Rerise” and “Pyramid Dai Gyakuten” highlighted their unique charm and musical prowess.

Who-ya Extended: Emotional Alchemy

Who-ya Extended, brought a raw and emotional dynamism to the festival. Their rendition of “VIVID VICE” from the anime Jujutsu Kaisen was a masterclass in musical storytelling, while tracks like "Q-vism" and "Synthetic Sympathy" painted the auditorium with shades of passion and pathos, leaving the audience spellbound.

ASCA: Lyrical Odyssey

ASCA ascended to the stage with the poise and presence of a seasoned anime protagonist. Her powerful vocals cut through the air with precision, breathing life into anthems like "Stellar" and "Resister." Each song in her set was an odyssey in itself, her voice the vessel carrying the crowd through the tumultuous seas of anime narratives. Her performances of "Hibari" and "Real Dawn" were particularly moving, exemplifying her ability to connect deeply with the spirit of the stories her songs narrate.

FLOW: The Vanguard of Anime Anthems

As the climax of the night approached, FLOW erupted onto the stage, instantly electrifying the atmosphere. Their reputation as titans of anime music was evident as they unleashed a powerhouse performance, including hits like "GO!!!", "Sign", and a vibrant rendition "COLORS." The band's infectious energy and engagement with the audience transformed Zepp KL into a single, pulsating entity.

Finale: The Symphony of Fandom

As the evening drew to a close, each artist returned to the stage for a final bow, the applause of the crowd a testament to the power of music and anime as universal languages. The performances of Akase Akari, spira spica, Who-ya Extended, ASCA, and FLOW were not merely a collection of individual acts but a symphony of shared experiences that celebrated the artistry and emotion of anime music. Sacra Music Fes 2024 concluded on a high note, leaving a melody in the heart of every attendee that would resonate far beyond the confines of the concert hall.

Sacra Music Fes 2024:在吉隆坡Zepp的动漫艺术高潮

2024年2月3日,吉隆坡Zepp成为了动漫音乐爱好者的圣地,盛大举办了备受期待的Sacra Music Fes 2024。来自区域各地的粉丝齐聚一堂,庆祝这一承诺将由一群杰出艺人表演的动漫音乐精髓的阵容。

这场由Sony Music Entertainment Japan的Sacra Music策划、Zepp Kuala LumpuriMe Malaysia带来的Sacra Music Fes 2024,是一场承诺提供动漫旋律奥德赛并呈现了一场震撼心灵的壮观交响乐的聚会。

Akase Akari:耀眼的首秀

音乐节以多才多艺的Akase Akari拉开序幕,这也是她的首次国际现场表演。她作为Kitagawa Marin的cosplay不仅仅是一场视觉盛宴,更是动漫与音乐交织领域的象征。Akari用她的出道曲目“恋の行方”(Koi no Yukue)俘获了观众的心,她的声音完美融合了天真与热情。她对ClariS的“Connect”和YOASOBI的“Idol”的翻唱展现了超越舞台的魅力,为接下来的表演者设定了高标准。

Spira Spica:和声的融合

接着spira spica登台,以他们无懈可击的和声迷住了观众,他们表演的”Sorairo Days”唤起了人们的怀旧之情,而原创曲目如“Rerise”和“Pyramid Dai Gyakuten”则突出了他们独特的魅力和音乐才华。

Who-ya Extended:情感炼金术

Who-ya Extended给音乐节带来了原始而充满情感的动力。他们对动漫《咒术回战》中的“VIVID VICE”的演绎堪称音乐叙事的典范,而如“Q-vism”和“Synthetic Sympathy”等曲目则用激情和悲怆的色彩为听众带来了难以忘怀的体验。


ASCA带着强有力的歌声精准切割空气,为如“Stellar”和“Resister”这样的赞美诗注入了生命。她的每一首歌都是一段奥德赛,她的声音是带领人群穿越动漫叙事汹涌海洋的船只。她表演的“Hibari”和“Real Dawn”尤其感人,展现了她与歌曲所叙述的故事精神深深相连的能力。


随着高潮的临近,FLOW突然冲上舞台,立即点燃了现场气氛。他们作为动漫音乐巨人的声誉显而易见,他们释放了强大的表演力量,包括热门歌曲如“GO!!!”、“Sign”和充满活力的版本“COLORS”。乐队与观众的互动和感染力将Zepp KL变成了一个单一跳动的实体。


随着音乐会的尾声,每位艺人都回到舞台上进行最后一鞠躬,观众的掌声证明了音乐和动漫作为普遍语言的力量。Akase Akari、spira spica、Who-ya Extended、ASCA和FLOW的表演不仅仅是个别行为的集合,而是一场庆祝动漫音乐艺术和情感的共享体验的交响乐。

Sacra Music Fes. 2024 Setlist

1. "koi no yukue" - Akase Akari

2. "Rerise" - spira spica

3. "Pyramid Dai Gyakuten" - spira spica

4. "Sun Sun Days" - spira spica

5. "Q-vism" - Who-ya Extended

6. "Synthetic Sympathy" - Who-ya Extended

7. "Prayer" - Who-ya Extended

8. "Repentance Dance" - Who-ya Extended

9. "Killing My Fear" - Who-ya Extended

10. "A Shout Of Triumph" - Who-ya Extended

11. "VIVID VICE" - Who-ya Extended

12. "Stellar" - ASCA

13. "Howling" - ASCA

14. "Hibari" - ASCA

15. "Rin" - ASCA

16. "Real Dawn" - ASCA

17. "Resister" - ASCA

18. "Kazenouta" - FLOW

19. "Sign" - FLOW

20. "COLORS (New Mix)" - FLOW

21. "United Sparrows" - FLOW

22. "Days (Golden Coast Version)" - FLOW

23. "Raging Fire" - FLOW

24. "Silhouette" - FLOW

25. "Go!!!" - FLOW

26. "GOLD" - FLOW

27. "Biva Rock" - FLOW

Keywords: #SacraMusicFes #Sacramusicfes2024 #Flow #SpiraSpica #ASCA #AkaseAkari #WHOYAEXTENDED #ZEPPKL #IMEMalaysia #Sacramusic #Japanfoundationkl #JFKL

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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