[Local Entertainment] Goh Liu Ying leads over 300 participants in a charity 3v3 badminton tournament that promotes women's health and wellness

[Local Entertainment] Goh Liu Ying leads over 300 participants in a charity 3v3 badminton tournament that promotes women's health and wellness

Johor Bahru, 2024 -The HERSTORY FITFEST x GLY 3V3 BADMINTON TOURNAMENT 2024 wrapped up successfully on 3rd March 2024 at the Sports Hub in Austin Heights, Johor Bahru, with Segamat badminton players emerging as the big winners!

The HERSTORY FITFEST x GLY 3V3 BADMINTON TOURNAMENT 2024 received a positive response, with 81 teams and over 300 participants registering for the event. The two-day event also drew around 2000 attendees, all of whom shared a concern for women's health and wellness. Whether it was the 3v3 badminton matches or the Health and Wellness Carnival zone, the event was bustling and lively, with an endless stream of activities for everyone to enjoy.

After fierce competition, players from Johor Bahru, including Shyu Hao Zhe, Chang Wee Loon, and reserve player Chow Tatt Yong, teamed up with Kaw Meng Wei and Syed Haniff bin Syed Mustafa to form the "SCBC" and "Segamat City BC" teams, respectively, to win the mixed and men's categories. On the other hand, "KHBC," consisting of Tan Jia Le, Siau Yu Hang, Chen Jia Le, and Yew Jun An, won the youth 3v3 championship.

Olympic swimmer Welson Sim's discreet participation became a highlight of the event.
The HERSTORY FITFEST x GLY 3V3 BADMINTON TOURNAMENT 2024 drew enthusiastic support from local badminton players in Johor, Kuala Lumpur, Perak, and other states, as well as foreign players from Singapore and China. Malaysian Olympic swimmer Welson Sim, who is also a badminton enthusiast, competed in the event as a player and advanced to the semi-finals, adding to the event's highlights. Many spectators took advantage of the rare opportunity to take photographs with him.

As the initiator of the GLY 3V3 BADMINTON TOURNAMENT, Olympic silver medalist Goh Liu Ying stated, "The participants in this competition come from diverse backgrounds, including seasoned badminton players, outstanding amateur players, and newcomers who simply want to support this event. Regardless of their backgrounds, seeing everyone gather on the court because they enjoy badminton and support public health and wellness gives me joy and fulfilment."

Celebrities come together to support women's health and wellness.
To support this initiative for women's health and wellness, artiste Jaspers Lai attended the event dressed as the popular online personality "Yagood" and received applause upon arrival. Later, "Yagood" entered the audience area and joined them in watching the exciting matches.

Goh Liu Ying, world diving champion Cheong Jun Hoong, singer Nicole Lai, and actress Mawar Rashid performed the HERSTORY theme song "HERSTORY" as HERSTORY ambassadors, conveying the spirit of protecting women's health and wellbeing through music.

The event concluded with Goh Liu Ying, Nicole Lai, and internet content creators Kevin Ong (from 3P) and Tick Lim joining the champions of the three categories in an exciting and joyful 3v3 badminton game. Goh led the game with several impromptu plays, including changing the rules to a 5v5 format and allowing opponent Kevin Ong to smash consecutively. After the valiant challenge, Kevin Ong finally turned to Goh's teammate, Tick Lim, and asked to switch positions to enter the "rest area," which elicited laughter from the crowd.

Beginning with women's health and wellness, gather supplies to spread love.
Mr. Allen Beh, chairman of the HERSTORY organising committee, stated, "This year, Herstory Health and Wellness Day and Herstory FitFest received strong support from government agencies, hospitals and doctors, entrepreneurs, and others." They have generously donated money and resources to promote women's health care. Whether it's the meticulously crafted Health Corridor or the free screenings on-site, the goal is to provide attendees with better knowledge and experience in health care. He also stated that the event drew nearly 2,000 people and provided care supplies, vision, and dental screenings to 200 underprivileged families and orphans, making this year's Herstory Fitfest especially meaningful.

Guests at the event included HERSTORY co-founder Datuk Wira (Dr) Calvin Khiu, Austin Heights Group Director Chong Khai Siang, and Johor Youth and Sports Department deputy director Mohd Mazlan Anis.

The total prize money for the HERSTORY FITFEST x GLY 3V3 BADMINTON TOURNAMENT 2024 exceeded RM10,000, with RM2,000 for the champions, RM1,000 for the runners-up, and RM300 for the second runners-up teams. Winners also received medals and certificates.

For more details, please visit:

FB: www.facebook.com/herstory.charity

IG: www.instagram.com/herstory.charity

吴柳莹带领300多名选手参与, 公益三打三羽毛球赛完美挥拍

2024年HERSTORY FITFEST x GLY 3V3 BADMINTON TOURNAMENT于3月3日在新山奥斯汀高地的Sports Hub成功举办,昔加末的羽毛球精英大放异彩!HERSTORY FITFEST x GLY 3V3 BADMINTON TOURNAMENT 2024 吸引了超过300名选手组成的81支队伍报名,两日活动约有两千观众参与,展现了对女性健康的关注。

来自柔佛昔加末的球员徐浩哲、张伟伦连同后备选手邹金甬,分别与邱名惠以及塞哈尼夫(Syed Haniff)组成“SCBC”与“Segamat City BC”两支队伍参赛,经过关斩将并获得混合三人组与男子三人组双料冠军。另外,青少年三人组则由陈家霖、萧宇航、曾家乐与俞俊安组成的“KHBC”队夺得。


HERSTORY FITFEST x GLY 3V3 BADMINTON TOURNAMENT 2024 仅受到本地和来自吉隆坡、霹雳等地区的羽毛球爱好者支持,还吸引了新加坡和中国的选手参赛。奥运泳星沈威胜也参与其中并进入八强。尽管未能进入半决赛,沈威胜的参赛仍然是一大看点,吸引了许多观众与他合影。

身为GLY 3V3 BADMINTON TOURNAMENT发起人,奥运银牌得主吴柳莹表示:“这次比赛的选手背景很不一样,有身经百战的羽毛球好手,有表现亮眼的民间高手,也有单纯为了支持这项活动而前来报名的羽毛球新手。无论资历背景如何,看到大家因为热爱羽毛球并且支持健康公益而聚在球场上,我觉得非常开心、满足。”



吴柳莹携手世界跳水冠军张俊虹、歌手Nicole赖淞凤与演员玛花(Mawar Rashid),四人以HERSTORY爱心大使的身份,首度在现场合唱HERSTORY女性护理日主题曲《HERSTORY》,透过音乐传递守护女性健康的精神。

活动的尾声则是由吴柳莹、Nicole赖淞凤,携手两位网路内容创作者Kevin Ong(3P成员)与Tick Lim一起和三个组别的冠军队伍轮番上阵带来一场刺激与欢乐的三打三羽毛球比赛。吴柳莹数度临场发挥,带领球赛进行的节奏。娱乐赛的高潮落在她将赛制改为五打五,并制造机会让对手Kevin Ong连续杀球。几经奋力挑战后,他终于向吴柳莹队友Tick Lim求救,要求交换位置好让自己可以进入“休息区”,引起现场哄堂大笑。


HERSTORY筹委会主席马伟伦表示:“我们在今年Herstory女性护理日筹办的Herstory FitFest健康嘉年华获得了政府机构、医院医生、企业家等的大力支持,纷纷出钱出力,一同为推广女性健康护理尽一份力。 无论是精心打造的健康时光走廊,还是现场的免费检测,都是为了让当天的出席者获得更好的健康护理知识和体验。”另外他也补充,这场活动吸引了近2000人出席,并在活动现场为200户贫困家庭和孤儿送上了护理物资和视力、口腔检查服务,也让这届的Herstory Fitfest别具意义。

参与这次女性健康嘉年华的贵宾还包括HERSTORY联合创办人拿督威拉邱芓訸、和丽园集团总执行长张凯翔,以及柔佛州青年、体育、企业发展及合作社委员会副主席马兹兰(Mohd Mazlan Anis)。

HERSTORY FITFEST x GLY 3V3 BADMINTON TOURNAMENT 2024的总奖金超过一万令吉,其中包含:冠军RM2,000(每组一队)、亚军RM1,000(每组一队)、季军RM300(每组两队)。同时,得奖者也将获得奖牌以及证书等奖品。


FB : www.facebook.com/herstory.charity IG : www.instagram.com/herstory.charity/

Keywords: #HERSTORYFitfest2024 #GLY3V3Badminton #吴柳莹

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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