[Local Entertainment] Launch Of MY fittest sports variety show in Malaysia 《MY体育男神》

[Local Entertainment] Launch Of MY fittest sports variety show in Malaysia 《MY体育男神》

MY has launched the fittest sports variety show in Malaysia, 《MY体育男神》(Translated as: MY Sports God) aiming to discover Malaysia's next sports star. Eight DJs serve as agents, mentoring eight vibrant hunks competing for the title of 《MY体育男神》champion.

Kuala Lumpur, 2024 - In anticipation of the 2024 Olympics, MY has introduced Malaysia's fittest sports variety show, 《MY体育男神》selecting eight handsome and enthusiastic sportsmen nationwide. These contestants will be coached by eight DJs, acting as "“男神经纪人”(translated as god’s managers), to become Malaysia's new 《MY体育男神》 and compete for the show's ultimate glory.

The 《MY体育男神》meet-and-greet, fueled by MY and energized by CHAGEE's refreshing drinks, was held recently. The eight 《MY体育男神》debuted in front of the public and online viewers across Malaysia, with MY DJs acting as their "agents" to help them become Malaysia's next sports idols. The show also aims to encourage more DJs and listeners to engage in sports.

The candidates included Aaron, Torres, Lucas, Kingsley, Jason, Yijun, Anson and 志昇 who were all athletic and will be under the teams of “agents” consisted by MY DJ announcers respectively.

At the meet-and-greet, apart from 志昇from Daniel's team who was unable to attend due to a basketball game, the remaining 7 candidates enthusiastically shared their unique shining points and participated in a physical challenge to test their jumping strength, each striving to earn the highest impression score. Aaron, with his fair and handsome appearance and gentle demeanor, surprised everyone with his identity as a Taekwondo athlete and left a deep impression by demonstrating his Taekwondo kicking skills on the spot. In contrast, Torres, with his dark skin, is a swimming champion who has won numerous gold medals. His deep chocolate-colored skin led his agent to humorously clarify that he is 100% Chinese, which made everyone burst into laughter. Lucas, who excels in multiple sports, was considered the most shy god of all, speaking little but his dimples radiating immense charm whenever he smiled.

Among them, there are many fitness experts. Anson, who won the on-site jumping strength test, is a professional fitness expert. He claims that his muscular physique is his greatest advantage. YiJun, praised by his agent Yoon as being much more handsome in person than in photos, is also keen on fitness and basketball. Jason, not only loves fitness but is also a Zumba dancer. He jokes that as long as he has a stage, he will perform passionately. Kingsley, who was the only one without an agent present at the event, became the subject of a joke among the other DJs. They revealed that his agent, 洁莹chose to attend a Taylor Swift concert in Singapore instead of being there, proving that seeing her idol was more important to her than supporting Kingsley.

The 20-episode sports variety show 《MY体育男神》 is airing every Monday to Thursday at 8 PM on MY's official social media, including YouTube, IG, Facebook, and 小红书. Each week, the show will feature the contestants taking on different physical fitness challenges. MY listeners can also stay tuned to MY radio to participate in call-in games, answering simple questions related to the videos for a chance to win a total of RM 20,000 in cash prizes and CHAGEE tea vouchers. The grand finale of 《MY体育男神》 will be happening on March 30, when the entire nation will witness the birth of the 《MY体育男神》champion, who will win a prize of RM 8,000. The runners-up will respectively receive RM 4,000 and RM 2,000, while the winner of the MY CHAGEE Most Popular 《MY体育男神》 will also receive RM 1,000.

For more of the latest news about 《MY体育男神》 please follow MY's major social media accounts or stay tuned to MY radio《MY体育男神》, promising you a fitter, more fun experience together.


吉隆坡, 2024 - 为了庆祝2024年奥运会的到来,MY推出了全马最Fit的体育综艺节目《MY体育男神》,在全马范围内选拔了8位既帅气又热情的运动型男孩。这些选手将由8位DJ作为“男神经纪人”指导,帮助他们成为马来西亚的新一代“体育男神”,并争夺节目的最高荣誉。

由MY热血启动,霸王茶姬清爽出击的《MY体育男神》于最近举办了一场见面会,8位获选的‘体育男神’也正式亮相于现场民众以及MY 面子书直播的全马网民前,而MY DJ们也化身这班男神的‘经纪人’为他们出谋划策,协助打造他们成为马来西亚下一个体育偶像,并期待‘MY体育男神’能成为鼓励DJ和听众们一起加入运动行列的代表人物。



入选的男神中有不少的健身达人,赢得现场弹跳力测试的Anson就是专业的健身达人,他更称其壮硕的身型就是其最大的优势;另外被经纪人Yoon猛夸真人比照片帅很多的YiJun也是热衷健身和篮球的帅哥,还有男神中年龄最长的Jason不仅喜好健身,同时还是尊巴舞蹈员,他笑说只要给他舞台他就会倾情演出。而活动上唯独没有经纪人撑场的Kingsley 则被其他DJ们爆料笑说其经纪人洁莹选择去新加坡看Taylor Swift演唱会而缺席,证明对她来说看偶像是比Kingsley重要的。

一共20集的《MY体育男神》体育综艺已从即日起,每周一至四,晚上8点通过MY 官方社交媒体,包括YouTube、IG、Facebook和小红书全网上线,每周节目将可看到体育男神们接受不一样的运动体能挑战。MY听众朋友更可留守MY电台参与call in游戏,回答影片相关的简单问题,即有机会赢取总值2万令吉现金奖以及霸王茶姬礼券。《MY体育男神》的总决赛将在3月30日引爆,届时全民一同见证《MY 体育男神》冠军诞生,并赢得8千令吉奖金。而亚季军得主则分别获得4千和2千令吉奖金,同时MY CHAGEE 最高人气体育男神的得主也可获1千令吉奖金。

更多有关《MY 体育男神》的最新消息,请关注MY各主要社交媒体账号或留守MY电台。MY体育男神,约定你 #一起更Fit更好玩。

Keywords: #MalaysiaFittestShow #MY体育男神 #SportsGods #运动明星 #FitnessChallenge #体育娱乐 #MYDJsAgents #DJ经纪人

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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