[Concert Coverage] “Simply The Best : Celebrating Tina” at Zepp Kuala Lumpur
Rebecca O'Connor shines as Tina Turner in an unforgettable performance
Kuala Lumpur, 2024 – Rebecca O'Connor's tribute to Tina Turner, "Simply The Best: Celebrating Tina," lit up Kuala Lumpur on 11th July 2024, during the premiere night. O'Connor's electrifying performance at Zepp Kuala Lumpur showcased Tina Turner's legendary hits and powerful vocals, captivating the audience. The concert continued at Zepp on July 12 and 13, 2024.
O'Connor is the only artist personally endorsed by Tina Turner, who once said, "Rebecca is so good, it's scary!" She has spent 15 years perfecting her portrayal of the rock 'n' roll queen. Her flawless performances of classic songs such as "What's Love Got To Do With It," "Private Dancer," and "Simply The Best" left fans in a state of pure joy and nostalgia.
Kayda Aziz, a talented singer, rapper, and songwriter, opened the premiere night concert with her hit song "Call On Me". The award-winning Malaysian hip-hop artist has worked with industry veterans including Sheila Majid, Altimet, Yuka Kharisma, KRU, and Hunny Madu.
O'Connor and her band of rock musicians and dancers delivered a powerful performance that exceeded expectations, with a stage presence reminiscent of Tina Turner. The 90-minute concert was divided into two dynamic sets, with the audience singing and dancing to high-energy renditions of classic songs like "Nutbush City Limits," "Proud Mary," "River Deep Mountain High," and more. Hunny Madu, a rapper and songwriter, commented on O'Connor's portrayal of Tina Turner, stating, "She sounded so much like Tina Turner!" Close your eyes and imagine Tina Turner performing herself. Madu's favorite performances include Rebecca covering her favorite songs "What's Love Got to Do With It" and "I Can't Stand the Rain". "She performed exceptionally well."
O'Connor's portrayal of Turner's iconic red lips and wild hair on stage was full of energy. Her performance in "Help" was enhanced by a stunning cape designed by Dato' Tom Abang Saufi, a renowned Malaysian fashion designer. The intricate design and attention to detail of O'Connor's costume enhanced her captivating presence on stage.
Rebecca O'Connor's "Simply The Best" concert, celebrating Tina Turner, is a spectacular show that lives up to its name. O'Connor's performance is electrifying, with powerful vocals and high energy. The show features stunning costumes and dynamic stage design, showcasing the best of international and Malaysian artistry. Dato Grace, Managing Director of Milestone Production, describes the concert as a must-see event that captures the essence of Tina Turner's legendary performances.
Rebecca O’Connor 在难忘的演出中闪耀,完美诠释 Tina Turner
7月11日晚,Rebecca O’Connor 以其耀眼的致敬演出“Simply The Best: Celebrating Tina”在吉隆坡点燃了 Tina Turner 的精神。Zepp Kuala Lumpur 在她强大的嗓音和让 Tina Turner 成为传奇的经典歌曲的回响中颤动,O’Connor 带来了一场令人难忘的表演,牢牢吸引了观众的目光。这场音乐会于2024年7月12日和13日继续在 Zepp 上演。
O’Connor 是唯一一位得到已故 Tina Turner 本人亲自认可的艺术家,Tina 曾著名地宣称:“Rebecca 太棒了!” 15年来,O’Connor 一直在完美诠释摇滚女王。她对经典歌曲如“What's Love Got To Do With It”、“Private Dancer”和“Simply The Best”的精准演绎令人叹为观止,让观众在纯粹的喜悦和怀旧氛围中起立欢呼。
为了开启首映之夜音乐会,观众们欣赏到了才华横溢的歌手、说唱歌手和作曲家 Kayda Aziz 的开场表演,她演唱了自己的热门歌曲“Call On Me”。这位在马来西亚嘻哈界屡获殊荣的艺术家与 Sheila Majid、Altimet、Yuka Kharisma、KRU 和 Hunny Madu 等行业资深人士有过合作。
随后,O’Connor 和她的摇滚乐队和舞者们带来了一场超出预期的精彩表演,散发出让人想起 Tina Turner 的明星舞台气场。在分为两部分的90分钟演出中,观众们跟随经典歌曲如“Nutbush City Limits”、“Proud Mary”、“River Deep Mountain High”等的高能演绎一起唱歌跳舞。说唱艺术家和作曲家 Hunny Madu 谈到 O’Connor 对 Tina Turner 的诠释时说:“她听起来太像 Tina Turner 了!如果我闭上眼睛,会感觉是 Tina Turner 在亲自演出。”
在舞台上,O’Connor 散发出无限的能量,她完美再现了 Turner 独特的狂野发型和标志性的红唇。在表演“Help”时,她的爆发力更是令人惊叹,她身着由著名马来西亚时装设计师 Dato’ Tom Abang Saufi 设计的华丽披风,光彩照人。服装的细致和复杂设计完美契合当晚的氛围,增强了 O’Connor 的迷人气质。
“Rebecca O’Connor 的‘Simply The Best’演唱会,庆祝 Tina Turner,是一场名副其实的壮观表演。O’Connor 的表演令人兴奋不已,展示了她强大的嗓音和令人难以置信的能量。非常感谢Milestone Production 呈现这场音乐会!
Keywords: #WLJackdotcom #Concert #Music #RebeccaOConnor #TinaTurner #Performance #演唱会 #音乐 #丽贝卡奥康纳 #蒂娜特纳 #表演
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