[Coverage] 7th Malaysia Golden Global Awards (MGGA)

[Coverage] 7th Malaysia Golden Global Awards (MGGA)

Kuala Lumpur, 2024 – The shimmering allure of the silver screen took center stage in Kuala Lumpur on 27th July 2024, as the 7th Malaysia Golden Global Awards (MGGA) dazzled audiences at the iconic Auditorium Seri Angkasa, Angkasapuri. This glittering event, a cornerstone of the Malaysia International Film Festival (MIFFest), brought together the brightest stars from both local and international cinema for an evening dedicated to honoring cinematic excellence.

With cameras flashing and the red carpet buzzing with excitement, hosts Alvin Anthons and Chrystina Ng effortlessly guided the audience through a night brimming with surprises and heartfelt moments. The air was electric with anticipation as nominees from across the globe awaited the announcement of the winners.

The night’s most prestigious honor, Best Film, was awarded to the German drama "Every You, Every Me," directed by Michael Fetter Nathansky. This deeply moving exploration of identity and relationships also earned its lead actress, Aenne Schwarz, the Best Actress award for her compelling performance.

In a remarkable twist, the Best Director award was shared between Alireza Ghasemi and Raha Amirfazli for their powerful work on "In The Land of Brothers," a film celebrated for its impactful storytelling and visionary direction.

Malaysian cinema had its moment of glory as "Abang Adik" emerged as a local favorite. The film’s stars, Kangren Wu and Jack Tan, were honored with the Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor awards respectively, to the resounding applause of a proud hometown crowd.

The evening was also a tribute to cinematic legends, as the Lifetime Achievement Award was bestowed upon not one, but two icons of Asian cinema. Japanese filmmaker Hirokazu Kore-eda and Indonesian actress and producer Christine Hakim were both recognized for their remarkable contributions to the industry, delivering moving acceptance speeches that left many in tears and underscored the universal power of film.

Hong Kong's versatile Nick Cheung added another accolade to his distinguished career, receiving the Award for Excellent Achievement in Film, solidifying his legacy as an actor, singer, and director.

The night also spotlighted emerging talent, with the New Hope Award going to "Betania," directed by Marcelo Botta, signaling a bright future for new voices in cinema.

Reflecting audience preferences, "The Lyricist Wannabe," directed by Norris Wong, took home the Audience Choice Award, proving that sometimes the hearts of critics and viewers align perfectly.

As the evening drew to a close, there was a palpable sense of pride and inspiration in the air. The 7th MGGA not only celebrated the pinnacle of current cinema but also set the stage for the next wave of filmmakers in Malaysia and beyond.

As the stars made their exits and the final camera lights dimmed, one thing was certain: the 7th Malaysia Golden Global Awards once again showcased that the magic of cinema transcends borders, and the future of film in Malaysia and around the world is shining brighter than ever.


吉隆坡,2024年 —— 2024年7月27日,第七届马来西亚金环奖(MGGA)在吉隆坡标志性的Angkasapuri, Auditorium Seri Angkasa大放异彩。这场闪耀的盛典作为马来西亚国际电影节(MIFFest)的重要活动,汇聚了来自本地和国际影坛的众多明星,共同庆祝和表彰电影界的卓越成就。

在闪光灯的照耀下,红毯上充满了兴奋的气氛,主持人Alvin Anthons和Chrystina Ng自如地引领观众度过了一个充满惊喜和感动的夜晚。全球各地的提名者屏息以待,期待着揭晓结果的那一刻。

当晚最为重要的奖项——最佳影片奖,颁给了德国导演Michael Fetter Nathansky执导的剧情片《Every You, Every Me》。这部深刻探讨身份和人际关系的影片也让女主角Aenne Schwarz凭借其出色的表演获得了最佳女演员奖。

最佳导演奖由Alireza Ghasemi和Raha Amirfazli共同获得,表彰他们在影片《In The Land of Brothers》中的出色导演工作,这部电影以其深刻的故事和富有远见的导演手法赢得了广泛赞誉。

马来西亚电影也迎来了辉煌时刻,本土电影《Abang Adik》成为当晚的焦点。影片主演Kangren Wu和Jack Tan分别获得了最佳男演员奖和最佳男配角奖,赢得了在场观众的热烈掌声。

当晚还向电影传奇致敬,终身成就奖颁发给了两位亚洲电影界的标志性人物。日本导演是枝裕和(Hirokazu Kore-eda)和印尼女演员兼制片人Christine Hakim因其在电影行业的卓越贡献而受到表彰。

香港全能艺人Nick Cheung张家辉也在当晚荣获杰出电影成就奖,为他辉煌的演员、歌手和导演生涯再添一笔。当晚还特别关注了新兴人才,New Hope奖颁给了Marcelo Botta执导的影片《Betania》。


Malaysia Golden Global Awards (MGGA) Winner Lists

Best Film: "Every You, Every Me" directed by Michael Fetter Nathansky

Best Director: Alireza Ghasemi and Raha Amirfazli for "In The Land of Brothers" (shared award)

Best Actor: Kangren Wu for "Abang Adik"

Best Actress: Aenne Schwarz for "Every You, Every Me"

Best Supporting Actor: Jack Tan for "Abang Adik"

Best Supporting Actress: You Junfen for "The Great Phuket"

Special Awards

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Hirokazu Kore-eda (Japanese filmmaker)

Christine Hakim (Indonesian actress and producer)

Award for Excellent Achievement in Film: Nick Cheung

New Hope Award: "Betania" directed by Marcelo Botta

Audience Choice Award: "The Lyricist Wannabe" directed by Norris Wong

Keywords: #WLJackdotcom #7MIFFest #7thMIFFest #MGGA #MGGA2024 #ComeseeAFilmComeSeeTheWorld

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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