[Concert Coverage] Bang Ye Dam “Be Your D” First Fan Meeting in Kuala Lumpur

[Concert Coverage] Bang Ye Dam “Be Your D” First Fan Meeting in Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur, 2024 – Thousands of By:D fans from Southeast Asia gathered for an unforgettable fan meet concert with K-POP star Bang Ye-Dam in Kuala Lumpur.

At Zepp KL, a thousand fans dressed in preppy summer denim and music festival neon glitter faces celebrated South East Asia's beloved heartthrob and Kpop sensation, BANG YE-DAM. The event was filled with electric energy and raw emotion.

The chart-topping singer captivated thousands of fans from Malaysia and South East Asia during an unforgettable fan meet-and-greet mini-concert, dressed in blue with glowing skin and flawless vocals. Supporters traveled from Jakarta, Bangkok, Manila, and Singapore to witness the star's first solo 'BE YOUR D' fan meet concert in Malaysia, creating an atmosphere of pure euphoria. During previous fan meet-ups in Manila and Bangkok, Bang Ye-dam stated that Malaysia was "the best audience" he had emotionally connected with.

Ye-dam's performance in front of a packed auditorium was met with unified screams and repeated encores. He sang original songs and popular covers, and interacted with the media and fans like a seasoned professional despite his young age. The star was at ease and in good spirits, stepping off stage to mingle with fans, pose for selfies, and shake hands without breaking a note mid-song. He also took the energy of his screaming fans on stage in stride. Fans couldn't get enough of him!

The evening began with a solo performance of Ye-dam's hits and ballads, including 'Miss You,' 'Only You,' 'Hate That I Love You,' and 'Come to Me' (from the debut EP 'Only One'/2023), which became an anthem for the evening, sending the crowd into a frenzy from the first note. The young star captivated audiences with a mix of energetic dance tracks, heartfelt ballads, and fan-centric interactive games.

The fan meet featured a special Media Q&A session and on-stage autograph sessions for VIP fans who had the opportunity to meet Ye-dam in person. The star's candid and playful interactions, combined with his gratitude for the audience's unwavering support, elicited both cheers and tears. Ye-dam stated that he has always dreamed of being a singer and pursuing his passion for music. Ye-dam expressed gratitude for supportive mentors who prioritize her artistic well-being.

Bang Ye-dam surprised fans in Kuala Lumpur by performing an impromptu Malay track, demonstrating his artistic growth. Onstage, the Kpop star was surprised with a satin sky blue 'Baju Melayu' as a token of Malaysia's love for him. The crowd erupted in applause, and #BangYeDam trended across social media.

During the encore, Ye-dam thanked fans from Malaysia and around the world for their attendance, making the event an emotional experience. He expressed gratitude for their loyalty and promised to return to Southeast Asia soon, prompting enthusiastic applause.

The fan meet concert demonstrated the strong bond between Bang Ye-dam and his fans, as evidenced by three star encores and Ye-dam's final performance of 'Only One.' The event ended with every audience member sharing a personal 'hi-five' with the star, followed by fan photo sessions, creating unforgettable memories.

Rizal Kamal, CEO of LOL Asia, expressed excitement about hosting Bang Ye-dam and providing a platform for fans in Malaysia to connect with him. LOL ASIA aims to provide exceptional fan experiences and enhance the customer-artiste journey at their shows.

Bang Ye-dam's performance in Kuala Lumpur was a significant milestone in his career, highlighting his global impact. Fans are excited about his upcoming album.

LOL ASIA partnered with GF Entertainment and HY Live to present BE YOUR D, with support from MStar, HITS, and ERA.

【演唱会报道】Bang Ye Dam “Be Your D”首次吉隆坡粉丝见面会

数千名来自东南亚的By:D粉丝齐聚一堂,在吉隆坡迎来了K-POP明星Bang Ye Dam令人难忘的粉丝见面会演唱会。

在Zepp KL会场,一千名身着时尚夏日牛仔装和音乐节霓虹闪耀妆的粉丝们欢庆这位东南亚的心动男神、KPOP偶像Bang Ye Dam的到来。这位榜单常客的歌手以蓝色服装亮相,皮肤透亮,嗓音完美无瑕,深深吸引了来自马来西亚和东南亚的数千名粉丝。支持者们从雅加达、曼谷、马尼拉和新加坡等地前来,见证这位明星首次在马来西亚举办的“BE YOUR D”个人粉丝见面演唱会,现场充满了纯粹的狂喜气氛。在此前的马尼拉和曼谷粉丝见面会上,Bang Ye Dam曾表示,马来西亚的观众是他情感连接最深的观众。

在座无虚席的观众面前,Ye Dam的表演引发了整齐划一的尖叫声和反复的安可。他演唱了自己的原创歌曲和热门翻唱曲目,与媒体和粉丝们的互动如同一位经验丰富的专业艺人,尽管他年纪尚轻。这位明星在台上自如自信,不仅与粉丝互动,还下台与粉丝合影、握手,即使在演唱过程中也不曾有任何失误。他对台下粉丝的热烈回应应对自如,场面热烈,粉丝们简直爱他爱到无法自拔!

演唱会从Ye Dam的独唱开始,他演绎了《Miss You》、《Only You》、《Hate That I Love You》和《Come to Me》(出自2023年首张EP《Only One》)等热门歌曲。《Come to Me》成为当晚的主题曲,从第一音符起就让观众陷入疯狂。年轻的Ye Dam通过劲爆的舞曲、感人至深的抒情曲和与粉丝互动的游戏,成功征服了全场观众。

见面会中还特别安排了媒体问答环节,以及为VIP粉丝准备的台上签名会,粉丝们得以亲身与Ye Dam见面。Ye Dam在舞台上真诚而俏皮的互动,再加上他对观众不懈支持的感激之情,让现场既有欢呼也有感动的泪水。他表示,一直以来成为歌手、追随音乐梦想都是他的梦想,并对那些一直关心他艺术发展的导师表示感激。

Bang Ye Dam在吉隆坡还给粉丝们带来了惊喜,他即兴演唱了一首马来语歌曲,展现了他在艺术上的不断成长。舞台上,这位Kpop明星还收到了马来西亚粉丝送上的天蓝色缎面“Baju Melayu”作为见面礼,象征了马来西亚对他的深情厚谊。此时,全场观众爆发出雷鸣般的掌声,#BangYeDam也迅速登上社交媒体热搜。

在安可环节,Ye Dam向来自马来西亚及世界各地的粉丝们表达了感谢,使整个活动充满了情感。他感激粉丝们的忠诚支持,并承诺很快会再次回到东南亚,这引发了观众的热烈掌声。

这场粉丝见面会演唱会展示了Bang Ye Dam与粉丝之间的强大纽带,三次安可表演以及他最后一曲《Only One》让整个活动达到高潮。演出结束后,每位观众都得以与这位明星亲切击掌,随后还有粉丝拍照环节,留下了难以忘怀的回忆。

LOL Asia的首席执行官Rizal Kamal对能够邀请Bang Ye Dam并为马来西亚的粉丝们提供与他交流的平台感到十分兴奋。LOL ASIA致力于提供卓越的粉丝体验,提升客户与艺人之间的互动。

Bang Ye Dam此次在吉隆坡的表演是他职业生涯中的重要里程碑,进一步突显了他在全球范围内的影响力。粉丝们对他即将发行的新专辑充满期待。

LOL ASIA与GF Entertainment和HY Live合作呈现了此次“BE YOUR D”粉丝见面会,并得到了MStar、HITS和ERA的支持。

Keywords: #WLJackdotcom #Concert #BangYeDam #KPOP #FanMeeting #KualaLumpur #演唱会 #Beyourd #粉丝见面会 #吉隆坡 #LOLAsia

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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