[Exclusive Interview] Culture Wars @ Malaysia (September 2024)

[Exclusive Interview] Culture Wars @ Malaysia (September 2024) 

Kuala Lumpur, 2024 - Austin-based rock band Culture Wars is making waves far beyond the Texan borders, captivating audiences with their energetic performances and genre-blurring sound. As they journey through Asia, opening for LANY in a string of electrifying concerts, the band took time to reflect on their tour experience, creative processes, and future plans. In this exclusive interview, we delve into what drives their distinctive style and how they are embracing the challenges of international stardom.  

Tour Life with LANY: High Energy and High Expectations 

“We enjoyed it. We expect the fans here to help us out... to buy a lot of merch,” the band candidly shares when asked about their tour so far. Performing alongside LANY has introduced them to a whole new wave of energetic fans. “LANY brought out a lot of very energetic people.” It’s clear that Culture Wars feeds off the crowd’s energy and embraces every opportunity to connect with their new audience.  

The Making of "Miley": A Creative Experiment with GarageBand

Their latest single “Miley,” a tribute to the romantic pop sounds of the '80s, showcases the band’s playful approach to songwriting. “We were working on GarageBand and just came out with a lot of different drum beats, and this happened to be the one that we liked,” they explain. From there, the creative process became an organic experiment with keyboard melodies and playful sound design. “We mess around and came up with the sound design... we just made noises via the microphone.” This carefree, experimental method embodies *Culture Wars’* inventive musical spirit.  

Malaysia Awaits: Instruments, Discipline, and Authenticity

The excitement builds as the band prepares for their Malaysian debut. “We take pride in ourselves being a band that plays instruments for our performances,” they assert, emphasizing their commitment to live authenticity in an era dominated by digital tracks. “We are also very disciplined in our practice. We hope the fans will enjoy the performances that we are bringing.” For Culture Wars, each show is an opportunity to showcase their musicianship and dedication.  

From Austin to International Stages: Embracing the Challenges

Transitioning from local gigs to international tours has not been without its challenges. “There are always new challenges,” they acknowledge. One of the biggest hurdles has been dealing with the physical demands of travel. “For example, traveling long-haul flights like 16 hours on China Airlines. We do have one day or two of jet lags.” Yet, their motivation keeps them going strong. “In the music business, we really need to have the motivation to keep on accepting the challenge.”  

Learning from Legends: Working with Manny Marroquin and Alan Moulder

Collaborating with renowned producers like Manny Marroquin and Alan Moulder has left a lasting impact on the band’s production style. While their answer is modest—“We get to learn something from every now and then”—their work with these industry giants speaks volumes about their evolution as artists.  

Behind the Band’s Name: A Random Choice that Resonates

Curious about the origins of their intriguing name, we asked the band how Culture Wars reflects their musical philosophy. Their response? “Unfortunately, it was just a random and boring process, whereby we just took the words. And all of us like it.” Despite the seemingly arbitrary choice, the name has become synonymous with their ambitious, genre-bending approach.  

The Soundtrack to an '80s High School Movie—and Rugrats

When asked what type of film their music would suit best, the band gave a playful response: “We think it would be an '80s high school movie soundtrack. And yeah, it will also be fitting for Rugrats.” This whimsical answer reflects the duality in their sound—nostalgic yet forward-thinking, energetic yet grounded.  

Savoring Malaysian Delights: A Culinary Adventure

The band also immersed themselves in Malaysian culture through food, sampling local favorites like beef rendang and laksa. Their openness to new experiences—whether on stage or at the dinner table—demonstrates their adventurous spirit and eagerness to connect with different cultures.  

With their first Asian tour underway and new music on the horizon, Culture Wars is primed for even greater heights. Their blend of disciplined musicianship, creative experimentation, and infectious energy makes them a standout act in today’s music landscape. 

[独家专访] Culture Wars @ 马来西亚(2024年9月)

吉隆坡,2024年——来自美国奥斯汀的摇滚乐队 Culture Wars,在国际舞台上掀起了一股热潮。他们以充满活力的表演和融合多种风格的音乐征服了观众的心。在此次亚洲巡演中,他们作为LANY的开场嘉宾,为一系列精彩演出增添了魅力。Culture Wars 在忙碌的行程中抽空接受了我们的专访,分享了他们的巡演感受、创作过程,以及面对国际舞台所经历的挑战。


当被问及巡演体验时,乐队成员毫不掩饰地表达了他们的兴奋:“我们很享受这次巡演。希望这里的粉丝也能支持我们……多买点周边产品。” 与LANY同台演出让他们接触到了一批全新的热情观众,“LANY带来了很多非常有活力的歌迷。” Culture Wars 从现场观众的能量中汲取灵感,并珍惜每一个与新粉丝互动的机会。


他们的最新单曲《Miley》是一首致敬80年代浪漫流行音乐的作品,也展现了乐队在创作中的趣味性。“我们是在GarageBand上工作的,尝试了很多不同的鼓点,最后挑中了我们喜欢的这个节奏。” 乐队解释道。创作的过程非常随性,从键盘旋律到音效设计,全都源自实验与玩耍的灵感。“我们随意尝试,最后弄出了这个声音设计……甚至对着麦克风随意发出各种声音。” 这种轻松自由的创作方式,正是 Culture Wars 音乐精神的体现。


随着马来西亚站的临近,乐队对即将到来的演出充满期待。“我们很自豪自己是一支真正用乐器演奏的乐队,”他们强调了在数字化时代保持现场演出的真实性的重要性。“我们在排练时非常自律。希望观众能喜欢我们带来的演出。” 对于 Culture Wars 而言,每一场演出都是展示他们音乐才华与专注精神的机会。


从本土演出到国际巡演,这段旅程并非一帆风顺。“总会有新的挑战,”他们坦言。对于乐队而言,长途旅行的体力消耗是一大考验。“比如,我们得坐长达16小时的飞机,从中国航空转机。到了之后可能会有一两天的时差反应。” 然而,他们的动力源源不断。“在音乐行业,我们必须不断接受挑战,才能继续前进。”


与著名制作人Manny Marroquin和Alan Moulder的合作,给乐队的音乐制作带来了深远的影响。虽然乐队的回答显得谦逊:“我们偶尔能学到一些新东西。” 但能与这些业内巨头合作,无疑让他们在艺术上的进步显而易见。


关于乐队名称 Culture Wars 的由来,我们的好奇心促使我们发问。出乎意料的是,这个名字并没有什么特别的故事。“很遗憾,这只是个无聊而随机的过程,我们只是选了这些词而已。大家都喜欢这个名字。” 尽管这个名字的由来平淡无奇,但如今它已成为乐队突破风格界限、彰显音乐野心的象征。


当被问及乐队的音乐最适合哪种类型的电影配乐时,成员们给出了一个轻松的答案:“我们觉得会是80年代的高中电影配乐,也挺适合《Rugrats》。” 这番俏皮的回答,正如他们的音乐风格一样——怀旧却充满前瞻性,既有能量又富有深度。



随着亚洲巡演的进行和新作品的发布,Culture Wars 正迈向更高的舞台。他们以精湛的音乐才华、自由的创作精神以及充满感染力的能量,成为当今音乐界的亮点。

在未来的旅途中,无论是通过音乐还是文化的交流,Culture Wars 都欢迎每一位粉丝与他们同行,共同享受这场充满激情与创意的音乐之旅。

Keywords: #WLJackdotcom #CultureWars #TourLife #MusicJourney #AsiaTour #LANYOpening #GarageBand #80sMusic #LivePerformance #AustinMusic #NewSingle  

#文化之战 #巡演生活 #音乐旅程 #亚洲巡演 #LANY开场 #音乐创作 #80年代音乐 #现场演出 #奥斯汀乐队 #全新单曲  

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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