[Upcoming Event] Kenny “KNY LIVE 10/10” Concert at Odeum @ JioSpace

[Upcoming Event] Kenny “KNY LIVE 10/10” Concert at Odeum @ JioSpace

Kenny's 20th Anniversary Concert "KNY LIVE 10/10" Fulfills His Dream  

Grand Performance on October 10th at Odeum @ JioSpace  

Once believing that “The Voice” would make him famous, 劉國暉 (Kenny) reflects on the harsh reality of the industry, but remains committed to his passion for music. He boldly criticizes the current Chinese music scene for being "unprofessional," stating, "Even if people hate me for it, I have to say it."

Kuala Lumpur, 2024 - Renowned singer-songwriter 劉國暉 (Kenny) started his career as a resident singer, and after finishing as the runner-up in The Voice in 2017, he officially debuted and released his own singles, garnering support from many fans. This year, to mark his 20th anniversary, he announced that he will hold his first large-scale solo concert, KNY LIVE 10/10, on 10th October 2024. Kenny劉國暉 candidly admits that his music journey has not been as smooth as he once imagined: "I used to think I would become famous, but that wasn’t the case at all!" Through this concert, he hopes to show everyone that, despite the harsh realities, his passion for music remains unwavering.

劉國暉 began his music journey in 2004, performing as a resident singer on small stages. After gaining 13 years of experience, he participated in The Voice in 2017, where he debuted as the runner-up. Reflecting on that time, he recalls thinking he would achieve fame: "I received a lot of recognition from the judges and the audience, and during the competition, people would recognize me when I went out. I thought record companies would approach me to release albums, and I’d have plenty of performance opportunities, but later I realized it was just my own imagination because I never found the right opportunity."

As a singer, 劉國暉 always aspired to create his own music. After debuting in 2017, it took him a full year to release his first solo single, 《愛上同個女孩》. He admits the process was extremely difficult, and as someone with a family, he often thought: "I’m running out of chances, should I surrender to reality?" To make a living, he returned to his job as a resident singer, but deep down, he never gave up on his dream of music. He continued to quietly work in the Malaysian Chinese music scene, releasing singles like 《沒關係》and《2015》.

In 2024, 劉國暉 marks a significant milestone in his music career with his first large-scale solo concert KNY LIVE 10/10 to commemorate his 20th anniversary. He shares: "I want all my supporters to know that I never stopped. From 2004 to 2024, 劉國暉 Kenny has never changed. My passion for music is still there." He further explains that the concert theme "10/10" symbolizes "perfection": "In life, whether it’s relationships or career, you can never truly achieve perfection. While performing on stage may seem real to the audience, it feels like a dream to me. I hope to achieve my own sense of perfection in this dream."

From performing on small stages with just a guitar, to playing in a three-person band, and eventually performing with a full band, 劉國暉 Kenny’s journey to this grand stage has been a dream come true. He hopes to convey a message through his performance: "If you love music so much, why not put on a better show and let more people hear your voice and your work? I hope my efforts can encourage the next generation of musicians or singers to keep going and show the world that Malaysian singers are truly amazing!"

劉國暉 revealed that this concert will present his most "pure" self, as he will not only perform his original works since debut, but also cover several classic hits from the Chinese music scene, using music to share his journey and experiences with his fans. In addition, he has prepared a special four-episode series called The Rehearsal, documenting the entire preparation process for the concert. He hopes that through these videos, fans can understand his deep love for music and the dedication and effort it takes to realize his dream: "I want to create a closer connection with my fans and show them the time, energy, and passion required behind the scenes to produce a concert, and to feel the sincerity of a singer."

Furthermore, 劉國暉 didn’t shy away from expressing his disappointment with the current Chinese music industry, calling it "unprofessional": "In this digital age, many people who have some ideas and a budget can release songs, but singing should still be left to professionals. You can’t just think, 'I could do this too,' and then rush to release a song. It pains me to see music becoming unprofessional."

He is well aware that his remarks may attract criticism: "I know that after saying this, a lot of people may dislike me, saying that I’m not famous yet have the nerve to call others unprofessional. But I understand that this is the trend of the online era. We can’t stop others, and I’m not trying to be righteous or change anything. What I want to emphasize is that, as a professional singer, I will continue to uphold my beliefs and responsibilities—to write good songs, to sing well, and to let quality works keep being passed on, enhancing the musical taste of listeners."

Kenny KNY LIVE 10/10 concert will take place on Thursday, 10th October 2024, at 8:00 PM at Odeum @ JioSpace. Ticket prices are RM199 for VIP and RM169 for second-floor seating. Fans can enjoy exclusive perks, including a limited-edition T-shirt for the first 100 ticket buyers, and a random draw where 50 lucky ticket holders will receive a limited-edition cap. Tickets will officially go on sale on 30th August 2024 at 10:00 AM via JioTix. For more details, please visit https://www.jiotix.asia/.

劉國暉 Kenny 出道 20 年首開個唱《KNY LIVE 10/10》夢想成真  

10 月 10 日 Odeum @ JioSpace 盛大舉行  

曾以為《The Voice 決戰好聲》會讓他走紅,劉國暉感慨現實殘酷,但依然堅持初心,批評當今中文樂壇「不專業」,直言:「即使被討厭,我還是要說。」

知名唱作人劉國暉 Kenny,曾是駐唱歌手,2017 年參加《The Voice 決戰好聲》獲得亞軍正式出道,並推出個人單曲,受到不少歌迷支持。今年,他迎來出道 20 週年,並宣佈將於 10 月 10 日舉辦首場個人大型演唱會《KNY LIVE 10/10》。劉國暉坦承,音樂路走得並不順遂::「曾經以為自己會紅,但壓根兒不是那麼一回事!」通過這次音樂會,他希望向大家展示,即使面對殘酷的現實,他仍然會堅持音樂夢想。

劉國暉的音樂之路始於 2004 年,當時他在小舞台上作為駐唱歌手。經過 13 年的累積經驗,他在 2017 年參加《The Voice 決戰好聲》以亞軍身份出道。他回憶當時的情景,認為自己會因此走紅:「那時候得到評審、觀眾的肯定,歌唱比賽期間在外界的反應很好,出門也很多人認得我,我就想象之後會有唱片公司找我發片,也會有很多演出,後來才發現這是我一廂情願的想象,因為根本沒有遇到一個對的。」

作為歌手,劉國暉一直渴望擁有自己的音樂作品。2017 年出道後,他用了整整一年時間才成功推出首支個人單曲《愛上同個女孩》。劉國暉坦言,這過程非常艱難,再加上他已有家庭,在追夢的路上常常會想:「我手上的籌碼剩不多了,是不是要向現實低頭了?」為了生計,他回到駐唱的工作崗位,但他從未真正放棄音樂夢想,之後又陸續推出了《沒關係》和《2015》等單曲,默默在馬來西亞中文樂壇耕耘。

2024 年,劉國暉迎來音樂生涯的重要里程碑,為紀念出道 20 週年,他將舉辦首場大型個唱《KNY LIVE 10/10》。他表示:「希望給所有支持我的人知道,我一直沒有停下來,從2004年到2024年,劉國暉Kenny始終沒有變過,我對音樂的那份初衷依然還在。」關於音樂會主題「10/10」,他解釋道,這象徵著「十全十美」:「人生無論是感情、事業都無可能達到十全十美的境界,而我能夠站在舞台上演出,對觀眾而言很實在,但對我而言其實很夢幻,我希望在這個夢幻裡面,能達到十全十美的境界。」


劉國暉表示,這場音樂會將呈現出最「純」的自己,除了演繹出道以來的作品,他還會翻唱多首中文樂壇的經典金曲,通過音樂向歌迷訴說這些年來的心路歷程。此外,他還特別為歌迷準備了四集《The Rehearsal》影片,全程記錄了籌備演唱會的過程。他透露,製作這些影片的初衷是希望歌迷能感受到他對音樂的熱愛,以及為實現夢想所付出的心血和努力:「除了讓樂迷可以跟自己產生更多的連接,也想讓大家看到籌備一場演出,背後要付出的時間、精神和精力,感受到歌者的用心。」



劉國暉《KNY LIVE 10/10》拉闊音樂會將於10月10日(星期四),晚上8時在Odeum @ JioSpace 開演,門票價格分別是 199令吉(VIP)、169令吉(2樓坐區),當中粉絲福利包括首100位購票者獲得一件限量T恤,以及隨機抽取50位購票者獲得限量帽子。門票將於8月30日早上10時,在 JioTix正式啟售,欲知更多詳情,請瀏覽https://www.jiotix.asia/ 。

KNY LIVE 10/10

Date: 10 October 2024 (Thursday)

Time: 8:00PM

Venue: Odeum @ JioSpace, PJ

Ticket Price: VIP (RM199) & MEZZANINE (RM169)

Ticketing Website: www.jiotix.asia

Organiser: JioBuddy

Co-Organiser: Fretlezz

Official Venue: JioSpace

Official Online Media: YesBoss

Co-Sponsors: Mehko, Shure, Spartan

Marketing Partner: Altus Prohouse

Keywords: #WLJackdotcom #Concert #音樂會  #KNYLIVE #劉國暉 #LiveMusic #現場音樂 #MusicEvent #音樂活動  #Odeum #Odeum劇場  #AnniversaryConcert #週年演唱會  #JioSpace #吉空間  #TheVoice #好聲音  #MalaysiaMusic #馬來西亞音樂  #KualaLumpur #吉隆坡  #ChineseMusic #中文音樂  #SingerSongwriter #唱作人  #KennyLiu #劉國暉

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Published by WLJack.

WL Jack

Dr Jack Chan Wah Loong is the Head Of Medical Department and Internal Medicine Specialist in his current Hospital. Apart from medical related works, he is also a blogger, journalist and photographer since the year of 2008. He is also the chief editor for wljack.com, a website with a dedicated team of journalists that write coverage on Malaysia events and happenings since 2013.

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