[Movie Event Coverage] I Am Kelefe 《我是 Kelefe》Premiere and Interview
Experience the Thrill of Stunt Work in I Am Kelefe
Jamie Chu Faces Fear While Crystal Ong Sees It as a Playground
Kuala Lumpur, 2025 – Actors Jamie Chu and Crystal Ong had contrasting experiences while performing wire stunt scenes in the upcoming Lunar New Year film I Am Kelefe. For Jamie, it was her first time executing a stunt that required her to fall from a height, while Crystal, on the other hand, excitedly asked the director, "Can we do it again?!"
Directed by the renowned Don Hoe, I Am Kelefe is an inspiring film that is released on 6th February (the ninth day of the Lunar New Year). The film not only embraces the joyful atmosphere of traditional Chinese New Year movies but also delivers a heartwarming narrative about perseverance, dreams, and family bonds through lighthearted humor.
During press conference, Don Hoe was joined by lead actors Jamie Chu, Crystal Ong, producer-actress Jean Tan, Singaporean actor Tosh Zhang, Reina Chin, Ivan Ho, Rabbit Chen, and Feon Lai to share their experiences working on the film.
A Story Inspired by Real-Life Experiences
Don Hoe revealed that the character played by Tosh Zhang was inspired by his own journey. "I pursued acting because of my passion for film. I even shut down my architecture business to start from scratch in the industry," he said. Recalling his early days, he mentioned how he once worked as an on-set photographer, struggling with the challenges imposed by directors and producers. "I eventually invested in a long lens for my camera, but that meant I had to spend my entire salary on it."
Jean Tan, one of the lead actresses and also the film’s producer, jokingly admitted, "We really embodied the film’s ‘low-budget’ theme. I had to take on multiple roles, and even veteran actor Rabbit Chen doubled as the martial arts coordinator."
Facing the Challenges of Wire Stunts
One of the movie’s most thrilling moments involved wire stunt sequences, carefully supervised by Rabbit Chen. He ensured the safety of all actors by first testing the stunts himself. His wife, Feon Lai, also took part in the safety checks. "We needed to make sure everything was safe before letting the actors perform," she shared. "However, I couldn’t test Jamie Chu’s stunt because of the weight difference. She was incredibly brave and professional."
Jamie Chu admitted she was terrified during her first-ever wire stunt, especially since it required her to fall backward from a height. Crystal Ong, however, had a completely different reaction. After completing the stunt, she eagerly asked the director for another take, treating the experience like an amusement park ride. Reina Chin, who plays a scheming character in the film, said it was a valuable learning experience. Meanwhile, Jean Tan humorously remarked, "Crystal was the only one who treated wire stunts like a funfair attraction!"
Crystal Ong’s Acting Comeback After a Decade
For Crystal Ong, I Am Kelefe marks her return to acting after ten years. She expressed her excitement about playing multiple roles within the film’s movie-within-a-movie concept. "This project reignited my passion for acting. It feels like a stepping stone for me to take on more roles in the future."
Friendly Rivalry Between Male Leads
A lighthearted moment during the press conference saw lead actors Tosh Zhang and Ivan Ho jokingly exposed by the host for their "rivalry." They were seated at opposite ends of the stage, sparking speculation about tension between them. Ivan quickly dispelled the rumors, laughing, "There’s no bad blood between us! In fact, we’re plotting to form a trio with Rabbit Chen as the ‘Three Leading Men’ of the film."
Veteran Actor Wong Chun Tong’s Special Appearance
Director Don Hoe shared how he managed to secure veteran Hong Kong actor Wong Chun Tong for the movie. "We first met at the Hong Kong Film Festival about eight or nine years ago, where we discussed the possibility of collaborating. It took almost a decade, but we finally made it happen last year."
I Am Kelefe: A Tribute to Unsung Heroes on Set
The film sheds light on the struggles of kelefe (background actors), whose efforts often go unnoticed in the filmmaking industry. "I personally handled the film’s post-production due to budget constraints. My hope is that audiences will support this small yet heartfelt production and help spread the word about it," said Don Hoe.
Crystal Ong echoed this sentiment, adding, "We’ve worked tirelessly to promote this film, even visiting schools and utilizing our personal social media to raise awareness. We sincerely hope audiences will appreciate our dedication."
A Star-Studded Charity Premiere
The film’s premiere was a glamorous event, with the cast in attendance to share behind-the-scenes stories with fans. The organizers also took the opportunity to host a charity initiative, raising funds to provide underprivileged children with the chance to experience the magic of cinema.
Don Hoe expressed his desire for the film to inspire audiences to pursue their dreams while also encouraging them to support those in need. The event was met with overwhelming support, with attendees pledging contributions to the cause.
A Must-Watch This Lunar New Year
I Am Kelefe is set to hit cinemas nationwide on 6th February. Whether you’re looking for heartfelt family moments or an uplifting story of perseverance, this film promises to be a memorable watch for audiences of all ages. This festive season, bring your loved ones to the theater and enjoy this unique blend of comedy and inspiration.
For the latest updates, behind-the-scenes exclusives, and promotional events, visit the official I Am Kelefe Facebook page. Stay tuned!
《我是 Kelefe》「吊威也」挑战升级
朱健美挑战高空跌落 王雪晶玩得不亦乐乎
朱健美与王雪晶在《我是 Kelefe》中体验「吊威也」的拍摄挑战,前者首次尝试就要从高处跌落,而王雪晶则兴奋到忍不住向导演要求「再来一次!」
贺岁片《我是 Kelefe》轻松幽默中传递追梦精神
由知名导演何晋亿(Don Hoe)执导的励志贺岁电影《我是 Kelefe》,在 2 月 6 日(大年初九)正式上映。该片不仅延续了华语贺岁电影的欢乐氛围,更以轻松幽默的方式,讲述小人物在影视圈追梦的励志故事,同时也展现了亲情羁绊的温馨感动。
导演 Don Hoe 携演员 Jamie 朱健美、Crystal 王雪晶、Jean 陈郡君(同时也是监制)、新加坡演员 Tosh 张智扬、Reina 陈丽瑜、Ivan 何家豪、陈沛兴及黎艳琼等主创团队出席记者会,分享拍摄过程中的趣事与挑战。
Don Hoe 亲述:电影源自自身经历
Don Hoe 透露,Tosh 张智扬在片中的角色原型正是他自己。「我本身热爱戏剧,因此毅然关掉建筑行,踏入演艺圈从零开始。」他分享,自己早年在片场担任剧照师时,常遭遇导演批评挡道,甚至因拍摄而自掏腰包购置长镜头设备。「结果那份工作的薪资全都用来买器材了!」
剧组资源有限 众演员多重身份出击
作为电影监制的陈郡君笑言:「这部电影真的就像剧情所描述的 Low Budget(低成本),所以我不仅要兼任监制,连陈沛兴大哥也得身兼武术指导。」
朱健美战胜恐惧 王雪晶乐在其中
饰演心机女的 Reina 陈丽瑜表示,这次的高空体验非常难得,而陈郡君则笑说:「只有王雪晶把『吊威也』当成游乐场玩耍!」
王雪晶补充,《我是 Kelefe》是她相隔 10 年后重返大银幕的首部作品,「电影采用剧中剧的拍摄模式,我有机会尝试多个不同的角色,真的让我过足戏瘾。这部电影对我而言,也是重拾演员身份的重要踏板。」
男主之争?Tosh 张智扬与 Ivan 何家豪澄清传言
记者会现场,主持人爆料 Tosh 张智扬与 Ivan 何家豪因「男主之争」而不和,因此被安排坐在两端。对此,Ivan 笑言:「其实我们并没有不和,还在计划与陈沛兴大哥组成三大男主角!」
王俊棠特别加盟 兑现 8 年前承诺
当记者询问导演如何邀请到王俊棠参演时,Don Hoe 透露,两人 8、9 年前在香港影展结缘,当时已有合作共识,但一直未能实现。直到去年,终于完成这份迟来的承诺。
揭开幕后的 Kelefe 生活 见证电影人不为人知的辛酸
《我是 Kelefe》不仅带出电影圈「Kelefe」(临时演员)的真实生活点滴,也呈现了一部电影从构思到诞生的各种挑战。Don Hoe 表示:「后制完全由我一手包办,因为资金已经见底了(笑)。所以我真心希望这部电影能够靠观众口碑支持,让更多人关注本地电影。」
首映礼结合慈善 让更多儿童感受电影
Don Hoe 希望,这部电影不仅能鼓励观众勇敢追梦,同时也能唤起社会对弱势群体的关注,以行动传递温暖与爱心。活动获得热烈回响,观众纷纷表示愿意支持。
2 月 6 日全国上映 笑泪交织的温情之作
《我是 Kelefe》将于 2 月 6 日(大年初九)登陆全国各大影院。无论是亲情的感动,还是追梦的热血,这部电影都值得观众细细品味。
更多关于《我是 Kelefe》的最新消息、幕后花絮及宣传行程,可关注电影官方 Facebook 专页,敬请期待!
Keywords: #WLJackdotcom #IAmKelefe #我是Kelefe #JamieChu #朱健美 #CrystalOng #王雪晶 #JeanTan #陈郡君 #ToshZhang #张智扬 #ReinaChin #陈丽瑜 #IvanHo #何家豪 #RabbitChen #陈沛兴 #FeonLai #黎艳琼 #DonHoe #何晋亿 #WongChunTong #王俊棠 #MovieEvent #电影活动 #LunarNewYearFilm #贺岁片
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